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Moving to Alaska from Iceland?

Hello all.
I'm 22 year old Icelandic boy, looking for new place to live in, after the economy collapsed it is hard to be a snowmobiler in Iceland(specialy if i want to do some mods :) just want to try new things and since i'm a snowmobiler USA or Canada is my only intrests. Also i thing the culture is very similar specialy in the northen areas.
My education is called Marine Engineer but it is no bacelor or master degree involved. i also have the mechanic licence for welding, metal work, fixing hevy equipment and e.c.t.
i started on sea 13 year old so i have some experience in that area

I have few question for you locals aboat job finding and migrating

1. How hard is it to get job in Alaska, if i'm hard working culd i get fishing job there?

2. Can I go there, get a job, and then get the green card, or do i have to get the green card first?

3. If i get a decent job how is it to make ends meet in there, after rent, insurance, car, Snowmobile and ect. (no kids or wife ;D )

4. How much can imnigrant like me i expect to earn?

Thanx for any help
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I don't think I can answer your questions, Gylfi, but welcome. You might try applying for work before you come here. With an engineering degree, you might get your emplyer to handle, or at least assist, the immigration process. There are still jobs in Alaska, though we are not unscathed by the recession. If you do get a job, expenses are not so bad, and you should be able to afford food, car and sled, even with a modest income.

Good luck,
1st off, welcome.

I have been to Iceland a couple of times myself, beautiful place. I spent some time in Keflavik, and did some traveling around the country. Truly unique place, and would love to go back sooner or later.

I would start off here 1st for all of your immigration/work permit info. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis I would start under the Working in the US section, if you land a job before you get here, that sounds like a plus. Im pretty sure immigrations regulations are the same no matter what the state your dealing with in the United states. Getting into the United States got alot tougher after 9/11 no matter what your coming here for, education, work, play, family.

From what I know, start WAY IN ADVANCE on your documents, visa's, permits, plan etc..... and expect delays. It takes some time for american's to get passports these days. I know military personel who marry foreign born spouses, and those visa's, and green cards take a while also.

With your trades which are very marketable im pretty sure you wouldnt have an issue finding work here in the state, and get paid decently while doing it.

Its always to front the expense of living with someone else, so if you have someone else looking to make the move, drag them along. Places here in anchorage can run your from 700/mo for small apartments to 1800/mo for 3bedroom places, sometimes more. You can live away from the city also...all depends on what you want to do. Gas and food typically cost more here since we are isolated somewhat. Probably still less than what your used to. I remember a Crown & Coke cost me $7.50 back in 2000 in Reklavik @ the Piano Bar..........

Im sure others will chime in with some info as this section has a wide array of people with different lines of work in here.

Good Luck
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Hello there,
I can maybe answer some of your questions as I went thru the proces about 10 years ago. If you want to work legally in the US, we have to either get work visa or be at least conditional resident/green card holder. With that you get social security number and can pay taxes here... I got my through marriage, some people might establish business here and create work for Americans, which mean the US welcome them as they have money.... If you have only visitors visa, you are not legally allowed to work here and most companies require proper visa...
So good luck to you!
You should do good here. AK seems like a good place for someone from Iceland.
Too bad you arent' Mexican. They'd practically come get you, and pay you to live here in the lower 48 states!
thank you all for som good answers.
Allen if you want to come again to Iceland you shuld do it now, the króna is so low you can live like a king for a month just like in Tailand without the happy ending ;) just Pm me when you are in the east coast and il take you sleddin in our montains.

Norway is boring with boring people (my opinion). thats is the reson vikings left Norway and went to Iceland, with a quik stop in UK taking all the bautifull women and leaving the ugly ones ;) USA is the deal for me, all of the intresting things hapening in the word comes from here Snowmobiles, V8, MX(mostly), Pick ups, and all the aftermarket goodies.
You have marketable skills especially with the sea experience in cold northern waters and the mechanical skills are always in demand. Presently there is a fair construction outlook but it is seasonal. There are not very many goods produced in Alaska for export. We traditionally rely on nartural resourses such as fishing, mining, pumping oil from the ground and all the industries that support them. Try this link. http://labor.alaska.gov/esd_alaska_jobs/ak_over.htm
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