new center carbide
I don't have a pix but as strange as it sounds it looks exactly like a 1/2 inch water pipe cut in half with no sharp carbide edges and open on the ends. It has been hard surfaced to help reduce wear. I like to tinker with things but never would I have thought that this design would work.
Last year I built a center runner - a carbide center strip with a carbide on each side set at a 30 degree angle to the center carbide. Thus the center skag had 3 carbide strips. Worked great until you leaned over in an icy corner then it grabbed too hard.
I don't have a pix but as strange as it sounds it looks exactly like a 1/2 inch water pipe cut in half with no sharp carbide edges and open on the ends. It has been hard surfaced to help reduce wear. I like to tinker with things but never would I have thought that this design would work.
Last year I built a center runner - a carbide center strip with a carbide on each side set at a 30 degree angle to the center carbide. Thus the center skag had 3 carbide strips. Worked great until you leaned over in an icy corner then it grabbed too hard.