Mcfly, How gullible can you be? The economic structure in Mexico has pretty much all the wealth in a very small minority. They basically have the politicians bought off to see things their way. These people dont care about their OWN and while we fight about what shall be done with these people...amnesty,deportation, partial amnesty ect, these wealthy families laugh their arses off at people like you because you feel that it's your duty to help Juan and Jaunet find stability and happiness in the US. Why? How is it our problem? Shouldnt the Mexican politicians/elite clean up their act and TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN FOLKS?
Don't think for a minute that Mexico is a poor nation. They have a favorable growing climate, oil up the wazzoo,natural gas, minerals, I could go on and on. For the most part it's THEIR corruption, being lazy and incompetence that got US into this position.
Mexico has as their 3rd highest form of revenue in their country, money that is sent from the United States to Mexico via their working relatives in the states. How pathetic!
How do you stand on an illegal voting in this country? Is your stupid ars enlightened to fact that illegals voting have already affected certain congressional races here? Wake the f*ck up!