pipes, porting, head, intake, all help make more hp. the aftermarket triple pipes, such as the aaens, are actually lighter than the stock single pipe system, and you get more hp....its a win/win situation. i personally have aaens on my viper and have no complaints. sounds awesome, but not loud...just a nice tone. i would suggest either slps, benders, or aaens for your "red head". for head setup, you can look into the peak heads, where you have a choice of domes of different cc volumes. you could also take your stock head gasket (a new one of course) and take out the middle layer. just run the 2 outer layers. you can also either do the reed stopper notch mod, or just get reed spacers. reed spacers are easier in my book and i actually have a few new sets laying around w/new gaskets if your interested. the reed stopper blocks off flow to the boost port and by either notching the reed stopper or getting reed spacers, will improve flow and throttle response. you can also introduce a hole saw to your airbox, for more airflow. then when pockets are really deep, you can just do a 760 or larger big bore. porting is another helpful mod to gain more hp, by improving the flow of air/fuel into the cylinder and out. i've used the race logic porting templates a few times, w/positive results everytime. i would recommend them to anyone. if you want yours ported, i can do that for you.