USAF 85-89. C141 loadmaster or 11450 as it was called back then. Best job in the whole world. High school educated and had college grads fly me around the world. I had the biggest office on the plane, bathroom, kitchen, bunks and passengers, some were worth hooking up with...
The view wasn't as good as up front....untill the the doors opened for air drops.
Wished I had a chance to spend time on the was just a mockup in Longbeach when I got out.
Flew into N. Africa to drop off some "people" when Quadaffi was a thorn in our side. Same with Honduras and the Phillippines when people were trying to overthrow governments. Humanitarian hay lift in 86...yep 650 or so bales of hay from Grandjunction, CO to Mobile, AL.....The fun stuff...
Thunderbird support trips for 12 days....taking the Army band to the worlds fair in Brisbane, Australia....USO show people to Diego Garcia....bringing back some of the Navy's finest from the USS Vincens from the East Coast of Africa.... Sorry guy's...a flood of' the dream...![]()
I was actually talking with my commander about this the other day. He is prior enlisted (U-2 Crew chief) and we decided that if a guy was young and single that being a load master would be one of the more fun jobs to jump into. See the world and see some pretty awesome things along the way.