Oooooboy, here we go again!!
Several here in Sweden installed the upgrade last spring, and i have run with a couple of them, they run hard, and with ZERO glitches.
The fact: Premium fuel, Fuel preassure regulator, External fuelpump, Reflash of ECU, 17lbs, ~270hp.
The not: 20lbs requires high octane fuel or a PCIII with ignition module, 19T is in the MCX350 kit to the Apex, not the Nytro.
just a head shim, 17 psi with 91 octane......not 92 or 93 but 91 octane.....with simply a reflash of piggyback??? someone looking for trouble for sure....not maybe but for sure! even with a 8.5:1 compression ratio i would not run 17 psi with 91 octane......would risk it with 98-100 octane