Open your eyes, do you live in a hole or what. When the war is over and some money is actually in the US, and jobs can be kept, maybe you will be able to make the mortgage payment on your house, or maybe the bank down the street will hopefully stay in business. McCain wanted to dump more money into war and basically is bush. Not to talk crap but you guys are in a pickle. And not to mention the ripple effect that you guys are having on the entire world and all of the world markets......
How can you not see that, OHHH right....I forgot, Obama is BLACK, sorry.
By the way I am white.
Be simple minded, or open your eyes[/QUOT
I agree with this, the past 8 years have been hell on business that’s why jobs got shipped over seas and there are cut jobs in the USA. CEO pockets lined with hundo's as they sit and watch the poor scramble. Heath care goes up oil goes up food goes up. No what boy's and Gals I ant got a Dime to go spend it out west, how does that feel? Don’t sit well does it? But Ill vote for 4 more years of the same. Get real! We need to change business cant send jobs over seas people in rural areas need those jobs to pay for sled trips and buy new sleds to keep dealers in biz, jobs keep guys building houses so they too can recreate come on now. Let’s look positive at what happen yesterday and encourage change positively
I respect Todd Pailin Allot as a fellow racer and hope to race against him one day. I feel bad his wife got dragged into this mess down hear. She too seams like a nice Gal.
John McCain is not a bad guy he just has no answers and was going to use Bush's policies for gov the next 4 year. We as Sled guys Rec guys out door activities could not make another 4 years under Bush. We would be Don Ski.
I know allot of people are sour about gun control and Sierra club, how ever were going to have them Putz and it's our job now to donate to NRA to lobby against bills Donate and donate your time to make you local politician aware how much you like to recreate. So he thinks of you when a bill comes up. We the people can make a difference we as people need to get off the forum and ask your local dealer how you can help keep trails open donate time to fix signs so we don’t have to ask for gov funding. It's really up to us.
Obama Needs all American to support him if we plan on being an out going nation again