Go to college, take a couple economics classes, then tell us we are wrong. You are part of the ignorant majority that elected the most left wing president that this country has ever seen. Are you one of the people that believes that Obama will pay your mortgage and buy your gas? Go fight in the war, learn the facts, then bash Bush if you still think he is wrong. I think if your really knew what was going on you would have a different view. Quit spewing what CNN feeds you. Seeing politics and foreign policy from your living room is one thing, fight for your country, see the war from the front lines, talk to Iraqis, talk to Afghans, get blown up, watch your friends die, then you may have a intelligent voice for or against the war. If you want to continue to hide behind a name on a forum and try to make a stand on soil the has no foundation, go ahead, that's what makes this country great and unfortunately could possibly be our demise in the next four years. Who's simple minded? Us that see the big picture, or you that coughs up the Obama talking points at a moments notice. At least be original and form your own thoughts, this not a black and white issue.