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McCain vs. Obama, what do you like and dislike on each

Nov 26, 2007
I liked that when in Michigan and the people asked about the jobs that they are loosing, and what he was going to do about them, he responded that those jobs are gone and aren't coming back. He seemed to be the only one that was saying that, though it might be that I just agree with him on that point.
I don't like that at all :mad: Being a realist is one thing but having that kind of attitude really sucks. He should have just said "Sorry about your luck!" Outsorce to Mexico, China and India :confused: Then they wonder why quality went down.


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Aug 14, 2002
I don't like that at all :mad: Being a realist is one thing but having that kind of attitude really sucks. He should have just said "Sorry about your luck!" Outsorce to Mexico, China and India :confused: Then they wonder why quality went down.

I think he said that those jobs would be replaced with green technologies. I really like that plan, and it does even make me feel good.
Jan 28, 2008
Denver, CO
This may be overly simplistic, but I am a devout capitalist:

Candidate A: wants to spend my money on the military
Candidate B: wants to spend my money on social programs

Where is candidate C? The one that doesnt want to spend my money?


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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
I don't like that at all :mad: Being a realist is one thing but having that kind of attitude really sucks. He should have just said "Sorry about your luck!" Outsorce to Mexico, China and India :confused: Then they wonder why quality went down.

that maybe partly true, but I think Detroit suffered a fate similar to the Iron Range of MN. Everyone decided that they needed to be union and get paid 30 bucks an hour to drive a truck from the bottom of the hole to the top and the guy who filled the truck with a scooper needed 35 an hour.


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Aug 14, 2002
Blue and white collard workers being replaced by green technologies? :confused: Could you elaborate on this more?

The idea of green jobs, I think I misstated the above. So the question is, as we move towards utilizing green technologies, where will they be build. Like the wind turbines and associated parts, solar cells, and many more technologies. The loss of jobs in an ever changing consumer environment is impossible to stop, products become obsolete, unwanted and the like. If you can have mechanisms in government that allow for retraining of workforces, they can be utilized in other sectors. Green technologies (I don't have a good definition right now) would be a sector that has a really large growth opportunity and can be used as a means of offsetting jobs that have left the country or become obsolete.

I am curious as to why people don't view this as an important part of the whole environmental movement. The ability to create new markets/products through innovation is what this country is really good at. This is a big opportunity for the US to become a major player in new markets creating lots of jobs.

Though, this all depends upon the so called green technologies, and if they are even good technologies to begin with.....

All I know is that the job sector has become very dynamic, and the ability to retrain workers will become very important as job lifetime decreases and rapidly changes.

Is this ramble making any sense? My face is still cold from riding the KLR into work.:D
Nov 26, 2007
All I know is that the job sector has become very dynamic, and the ability to retrain workers will become very important as job lifetime decreases and rapidly changes.
I don't think having the ability to retrain workers is revelant. How many Made in the USA tags or stickers do you see anymore? Cheap labor... that's all that matters now.
Nov 26, 2007
that maybe partly true, but I think Detroit suffered a fate similar to the Iron Range of MN. Everyone decided that they needed to be union and get paid 30 bucks an hour to drive a truck from the bottom of the hole to the top and the guy who filled the truck with a scooper needed 35an hour.
I believe that the pros and cons of the UAW have changed over the years. I've been through my share of production plants. ;)


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Aug 14, 2002
I don't think having the ability to retrain workers is revelant. How many Made in the USA tags or stickers do you see anymore? Cheap labor... that's all that matters now.

I think it was more about keeping a skilled labor workforce working.
Nov 26, 2007
His associations are not suspicious, anyone saying that anymore is falling for internet/e-mail forward propaganda.

Sorry, but McCain will be destroyed by Obama in a debate. That is one of Obama's strongest points; his speaking ability and it is one of McCain's weaknesses.

Yes Obama is spending a lot of money but that is nothing new with a presidential candidate. I have still yet to hear an argument that makes McCain ANY BETTER. Everyone on here has pretty much said they are not happy with McCain.

The debate about the Dems spending more money is non-sense. You look at the last 9 presidential terms and the Republicans are not being very "conservative", while it is the Dems that are actually balancing the budget. If there was an OLD SCHOOL CONSERVATIVE running (like Ron Paul) I would be more than happy to vote from them, but the current offering of Republican candidates is so far from the party roots, that if I were an old school Republican, I would be pissed.

lemme point out the flawed logic in that..... Al Gore was supposed to have DESTROYED Bush in the debates cuz he was so much better a speaker and debater... he got his AZZ handed to him in each debate... it was really quite pitiful... a guy that bumbles the language on a fairly consistent basis (nuculear for example) completely ate up gore on substance... while i agree that obama is a more polished speaker by far, debate is where mccain will shine cuz he is very quick witted and can improvise exceptionally well compared to obama who has been proven time and time again to bumble thru improv stuff on a regular basis... if he's not on the prompter mccain wins the debates handily based on substance...

if debate was a prepared speech competition i'd agree with you, but debate simply is not that...
Jun 18, 2008
Southern Idaho
On one side, you have a b!tch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer,
and a lawyer who is married to a b!tch who is a lawyer.

On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with
a huge chest who owns a beer distributorship.

Is there a contest here? ":rolleyes:


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
I don't think having the ability to retrain workers is revelant. How many Made in the USA tags or stickers do you see anymore? Cheap labor... that's all that matters now.

every product that leaves my door has a made in the USA decal on it.


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Dec 8, 2004
Pleasant Grove, Utah
lemme point out the flawed logic in that..... Al Gore was supposed to have DESTROYED Bush in the debates cuz he was so much better a speaker and debater... he got his AZZ handed to him in each debate... it was really quite pitiful... a guy that bumbles the language on a fairly consistent basis (nuculear for example) completely ate up gore on substance... while i agree that obama is a more polished speaker by far, debate is where mccain will shine cuz he is very quick witted and can improvise exceptionally well compared to obama who has been proven time and time again to bumble thru improv stuff on a regular basis... if he's not on the prompter mccain wins the debates handily based on substance...

if debate was a prepared speech competition i'd agree with you, but debate simply is not that...

Here is a Man that has been paying close attention.

Obama is as funny to watch as monkeys flinging poo
when he strays from the telepromtor.:D


ok maybe bad example.:eek:
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