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McCain vs. Obama, what do you like and dislike on each


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Nov 16, 2005
Here is what I like and dislike about McCain. (I will update for Obama in a bit...)



-Prosecute criminals, not citizens for gun ownership.
-Don't hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes.
-Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC
-Give individuals $2500 refundable tax credits for healthcare.
-Control health costs so manufacturers stay competitive.
-We should be able to reimport drugs from Canada
-Higher taxes on cigarettes
-Voted YES on repealing federal speed limits
-Establish an FBI registry of sexual offendors (why hasn't this done a long time ago??)
-Establish an FBI registry of sexual offendors (I'm not sure how you would enforce that but I like the thought.. LOL)
-Supports tax-free savings accounts for education expenses
-Climate change is real and must be addressed.
-Climate change is real; nuclear power is solution
-GovWatch: 2003: Ethanol doesn't increase energy independence.
-FactCheck: Oil independence will take 25 years, not 5 years.
-2000: Criticized Bush's withdrawal from the Kyoto Treaty.
-Supports alternative fuels, emission controls, & CWA.
-1996: Put 3.5B acres of land into wilderness protection.
-Preserve and help our National Parks.
-No circumstances where president can disregard treaties
-Supports ethanol, but by exporting, not by subsidies.
-Admit China to WTO based on their concessions.
-Those who gave their lives deserve to be remembered.
-Keep health care promises to aging veterans
-Military personnel on food stamps is a national disgrace.
-Hiding torture is wrong, and harms US credibility abroad.
-Torture supported only by people without military experience.
-Torture has never worked throughout history.
-Voted YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP
-Voted YES on banning chemical weapons.
-Deport 2 million illegal immigrants who committed crimes.
-Hispanics serve our country, like every wave of immigrants.
-Voted YES on establishing a Guest Worker program.
-Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work.
-Ethanol is not worth it, even in Iowa.
-End sugar subsidy; it hurts consumers & helps only tycoons.
-Ethanol subsidy is outdated; use funds for education.
-Supports federal funding of embryonic stem cell research
-Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines
-Republicans have forgotten how to control spending.
-Raise military pay to avoid military draft. (not just to avoid draft)
-Voted YES on allowing workers to choose between overtime & comp-time
-Get more government documents on-line.


-Pro-life and an advocate for the Rights of Man everywhere.
-“Family Conference” if daughter wanted an abortion
-Supports repealing Roe v. Wade.
-Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives
-Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
-I'm well-versed in economics; I was at the Reagan Revolution.
-FactCheck: Said--then denied--he needed economics education.
-Supports Amendment against flag-burning.
-Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping.
-Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation.
-Voted NO on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore.
-More death penalty; stricter sentencing.
-Pro-death penalty; more prisons; increased penalties.
-Voted YES on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms. ( I am against all MANDATORY SENTENCING)
-Prevention & education apply to alcohol as well as marijuana.
-Restrict methadone treatment programs.
-Stricter penalties; stricter enforcement. (Drugs)
-Voted NO on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". educational agencies.
-Voted NO on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education.
-Voted NO on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors
-Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds.
-Violence in media caused Littleton shootings.
-Maintain Cuban embargo; indict Castro.
-Overthrow “rogue” governments to keep Americans safe.
-Cuba: No diplomatic and trade relations.
-Voted YES on cap foreign aid at only $12.7 billion.
-Voted YES on Strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba
-Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (hypocritical)
-Supports ban on certain assault weapons
-Voted NO on background checks at gun shows
-Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows.
-Voted NO on including prescription drugs under Medicare
-Ok to hold even US citizens as enemy combatants
-Consult lawyers on war decisions; no half-cocked war basis (how about consult proven Generals)
-I support the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war.
-Vietnam was a worthy cause despite losing.
-Voted NO on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
-Voted NO on requiring CIA reports on detainees & interrogation methods.
-Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act.
-Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision
-Change rule barring immigrants from running for president.
-Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Nazi Germany)
-Voted NO on raising the minimum wage to $7.25 rather than $6.25
-Voted with Republican Party 87.3% of 165 votes. (have a mind, don't just vote along your party)
-Veto any tax increase; worst thing now is to raise taxes (how the hell will we ever pay this debt off?)
-Tax system is fair; wealthy pay bulk of taxes (hardly true)
-Voting against Bush cuts then for them: not a mistake. (make up your mind)
-Voted YES on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.
-Voted NO on increasing tax deductions for college tuition. (HUGE FOR ME)
-Internet access, with filters, at every school & library. (against filtering)
-Keep military option open against Iran, even if no nukes (no need to open another war front, one which we cannot afford or support).
-Not a matter of how long in Iraq, but a matter of casualties. (what does that mean?)
-Timetable for withdrawal is a white flag of surrender. (complete bull****)
-Staying for 100 years OK, if US casualties are low.
-I would much rather lose a campaign than lose a war (you are doing both right now)
-Democrats proposing failure in Iraq by withdrawing. (more like cut your losses)
-Did not read NIE before war vote, but was fully briefed
-In hindsight, Iraq invasion was still justified. (how was it?)
-Timetable would be catastrophe, even if Iraq wants it. (what is wrong with a timetable? )


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
i tried going through all this for both candidates. I started with obama but there are contradictions that i guess i dont understand. Clearly they are there for added bullet points and here are a few examples

Gays should not face discrimination but should not marry. (Oct 2004)
Decisions about marriage should be left to the states. (Oct 2007)

Homosexuality no more immoral than heterosexuality. (Oct 2007) this one contradicts itself

1980s boss predicted Obama would be heir to MLK's voice. (Aug 2007)is this a good thing? aren't we trying to get passed the whole racial thing?


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Nov 16, 2005
The way I see it is that he has no problems with gays, he does not peronally think they should marry, he also thinks that this right should be left up to the STATES and not the Federal Government. On the same subject he sees nothing morraly wrong with homosexuality.

The MLK thing, I think is saying that Obama can speak for civil rights much like MLK did.

How can that be a bad thing?

You can say we are trying to get past the racial thing, but ignoring the problem does not make it go away. It should be talked about because it is an issue.


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Nov 26, 2007
It shouldnt be a main issue....there are many many more important issues discuss that affects us as americans and not as black, white, red green brown asian or indian


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Nov 26, 2007
care to elaborate on the 'others' that have been making a big deal about this? if you are going to refer to his church, that was beaten to death by both of them.


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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
Vietnam was a worthy cause despite losing-depends on how you look at it. Some say yes cause we lost. Others say it was worthwhile. Those people say we went to stop the spread of Communism in Se Asia, in that regard, how many commie countries exist in SE Asia today?

Nice lists though, some good stuff.


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Nov 16, 2005
Vietnam was a worthy cause despite losing-depends on how you look at it. Some say yes cause we lost. Others say it was worthwhile. Those people say we went to stop the spread of Communism in Se Asia, in that regard, how many commie countries exist in SE Asia today?

Nice lists though, some good stuff.

You really need to do some REAL research on that subject, there is WAY more to it than that. Including how this "spread" was started in the first place. It had more to do with hungry northerners invading the south for food. After this point I am not going to say anything else about this subject so this thread doesn't get off topic, start another topic if you would like to discuss this some more.


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Nov 26, 2007
North Utah
Interesting but do you have proof to back up that info? Isn’t that what you always say!!!:D


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
Interesting but do you have proof to back up that info? Isn’t that what you always say!!!:D

Why don't you create another thread like was asked if the discussion was to go further. Not being around in that era, nor having read or heard about much of it except for a couple of movies, I am interested in hearing more about it.

Thread it and his opinion will come!:beer; Sorry poor attempt at a Field of Dreams knock off. :eek:
Dec 1, 2007
empty suits

Obama is an empty suit. McCain should clean his clock in the debates however Obama will still win. Obama mania will hold until after the election and then the hangover will be severe and last about four grueling years. Anyone who thinks they have the experience it takes to run the country with less than a full senate term should be highly suspicious. He's already put his foot in his mouth a few times but Obama mania is well....pretty freaking manic. His associations are incredibly suspect,I believe hes throwing one person a week under the bus...he cant seem to make up his mind wheather Iran is small insignificant country or it's a very serious threat , his website reads like an anti-semetic, communist, ultra-left looney bin. His campaign while flush with cash is going through money faster than a speeding bullet....is this the way he's going to run the country?

I dont much like McCain either, he should be leading whats left of his party in an every-day rant about practical energy independence and that means drilling for our own oil and building refineries. He should renounce his belief in global warming and say that it should be studied more and done by credible sources. He is too old for the job. The dems will make sure that everyone knows his age by heart come election time. His only hope is a longshot, and thats his choice of who's going to be Veep.

When I read about Obama and his views and in particular his associations it would seem that the country of Israel will be tossed under the bus as well.The confounding thing is he just met with a political action commity for the country of Israel and made it sound like they were long lost buddies. In the coming weeks I would pay attention to what he and his campaign says because the heat is on. The speech he gave before Al-pac really pissed off the Col Muammar Gaddafi and other assorted crazies and now its almost a certainty that Obama will appease...somehow. Stay tuned.


Moderator: Premium Member
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Nov 16, 2005
His associations are not suspicious, anyone saying that anymore is falling for internet/e-mail forward propaganda.

Sorry, but McCain will be destroyed by Obama in a debate. That is one of Obama's strongest points; his speaking ability and it is one of McCain's weaknesses.

Yes Obama is spending a lot of money but that is nothing new with a presidential candidate. I have still yet to hear an argument that makes McCain ANY BETTER. Everyone on here has pretty much said they are not happy with McCain.

The debate about the Dems spending more money is non-sense. You look at the last 9 presidential terms and the Republicans are not being very "conservative", while it is the Dems that are actually balancing the budget. If there was an OLD SCHOOL CONSERVATIVE running (like Ron Paul) I would be more than happy to vote from them, but the current offering of Republican candidates is so far from the party roots, that if I were an old school Republican, I would be pissed.
Nov 27, 2007
The debate about the Dems spending more money is non-sense. You look at the last 9 presidential terms and the Republicans are not being very "conservative", while it is the Dems that are actually balancing the budget.

Sorry, It was the 94 republican revolution that held Clinton and the dems at bay on spending. Look at the party platforms and then tell me, with a straight face, the dems will spend less.


Moderator: Premium Member
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Nov 16, 2005
Sorry, It was the 94 republican revolution that held Clinton and the dems at bay on spending. Look at the party platforms and then tell me, with a straight face, the dems will spend less.

The Dems will spend less. According to CNN under McCain's plan he will add $4.5 Trillion to the national Debt. Obama will add $3.3 Trillion.

Both of these plans are with them keeping the Bush Tax cuts (for the wealthy).
Dec 1, 2007
His associations are not suspicious, anyone saying that anymore is falling for internet/e-mail forward propaganda.

Sorry, but McCain will be destroyed by Obama in a debate. That is one of Obama's strongest points; his speaking ability and it is one of McCain's weaknesses.

Yes Obama is spending a lot of money but that is nothing new with a presidential candidate. I have still yet to hear an argument that makes McCain ANY BETTER. Everyone on here has pretty much said they are not happy with McCain.

The debate about the Dems spending more money is non-sense. You look at the last 9 presidential terms and the Republicans are not being very "conservative", while it is the Dems that are actually balancing the budget. If there was an OLD SCHOOL CONSERVATIVE running (like Ron Paul) I would be more than happy to vote from them, but the current offering of Republican candidates is so far from the party roots, that if I were an old school Republican, I would be pissed.

His associations are of the worst sort..mention anything negative about the new messiah today and your too stupid,racist,hating or paranoid.I encourage you to do a little lite reading one William Ayers to whom Obama sought out approval to become one of the dem's major power brokers. Look at Obama's official website which has HIS supporters and their vile blogs.Truely disgusting.Heres a taste...they dont even try and hide it anymore because just about all of the content is twisted...http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/group/MarxistsSocialistsCommunistsforObama

As far as Obama "destroying" McCain in a debate, plueeeze. Obama can read from a teleprompter really good and thats about it. Hillary did him in every time. Hillary spoke bluntly and tried to keep the debate clear and on track, Obama stuttered a few lines and then we got the "change we can believe in" shtick. A year ago if someone told me I'd be defending Hillary I'd have told them that they were nuts...however today I'd have a really hard time chosing between Hillary or McCain, but certainly not Obama. Empty suit.

If you cant open your eyes as to who and what Obama is then it's YOU that fallen prey to the "internet propaganda". He is an ultra-leftist and his rabid supporters are my enemy...here's one for the folks who have to commute,eat food, wear cloths, and pretty much everything else....http://hotair.com/archives/2008/06/11/obama-id-like-higher-gas-prices-just-not-so-quickly
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Moderator: Premium Member
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Nov 16, 2005
I don't have time to read that link right now, but I will later.

I've got $20 saying Obama eats McCain for lunch in a debate.

Edit... I didn't finish your link but it is junk. It is a "blog" meaning an opinion, they might have an education they might not. ANYONE can post on the page you linked, that has NOTHING to with Obama's beliefs.
Dec 1, 2007
I don't have time to read that link right now, but I will later.

I've got $20 saying Obama eats McCain for lunch in a debate.

Edit... I didn't finish your link but it is junk. It is a "blog" meaning an opinion, they might have an education they might not. ANYONE can post on the page you linked, that has NOTHING to with Obama's beliefs.

What,no comment on how the messiah WANTS high gas prices? One of the ways that people can tell about who and what you are is the company you keep. It's seems that you are un-willing to admit that the messiah has some very suspect associations and his official website is a magnet for losers.
I dont give a damn about your $20 bet because I really dont care for McCain.In a way I hope they both end up looking like chumps.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
Obama - Communist. Pure and simple, he's a friggen' communist.

McCain - Tries to be all things to all people. He will not have the Republican party's conservative base this election.

It's still picking the lesser of two evils. McCain is about as liberal as Hillary Clinton was from what I can tell.

I don't like either one of them.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
On McCain I picked one from each category that most reflects my beliefs to keep it somewhat short.

Supports repealing Roe v. Wade. (May 2007) (mainly because it's law imposed from the bench and doesn't cover all the bases either)

Impose some fiscal discipline to revive the economy. (Jan 2008)
Rated 7% by the NAACP, indicating an anti-affirmative-action stance. (Dec 2006)
Voted YES on reforming bankruptcy to include means-testing & restrictions. (Mar 2005)
More death penalty; stricter sentencing. (Jan 2000)
Administration is AWOL on the war on drugs. (Mar 2000)
Good teachers should earn more than bad lawyers. (Oct 1999)
End reliance on petro-dictators with market-based reform. (Feb 2008)
Use park visitor fees for park development bonds. (Dec 1999)
Parents should be active in media kids are exposed to. (Jul 1999)
Voted YES on cap foreign aid at only $12.7 billion. (Oct 1999)
Consider subsidies a mistake, and oppose them. (Dec 2007)
Supports Line-Item Veto and Balanced Budget. (May 1999)
Repeal existing gun restrictions; penalize criminal use. (Jul 1998)
Give individuals $2500 refundable tax credits for healthcare. (Oct 2007)
Military’s political leaders need military backgrounds. (Jan 2000)
Deport 2 million illegal immigrants who committed crimes. (Jan 2008)
Unions are monopolies; don't compel people to join. (Oct 2007)
Every dollar off-budget - no ifs, ands, or excuses. (Sep 1999)
Reform the tax code that nobody trusts and believes in. (Dec 2007)
Get more government documents on-line. (Aug 1999)
The War on Terror a war we must fight. (Aug 2004)
Require 40 hours work per week from welfare recipients. (Nov 2004)

Indian gambling OK; lottery is not. (Aug 1999) (doesn't make sense I call it pandering)
Voted NO on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)
Voted NO on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
Sponsored bill on drug testing for major league sports. (May 2005) (not the govt's job)
Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996) (waste of money/parents job)
Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Re***e. (Mar 2005)
1996: Put 3.5B acres of land into wilderness protection. (Jan 2004)
Violence in media caused Littleton shootings. (Apr 1999)
$1M political donations by Chinese Army should not be legal. (Jan 2000)
Pro-NAFTA, pro-GATT, pro-MFN, pro-Fast Track. (Jul 1998)
No term limits; they throw away the good with the bad. (Jan 2000)
The problem with health care in America is inflation. (Jan 2006)
Voted NO on restricting business with entities linked to terrorism. (Jul 2005)
Change rule barring immigrants from running for president. (May 2007)
Voted YES on using the Social Security Surplus to fund tax reductions. (Jul 1999)
Won't sign no-tax pledge; focus on cutting spending. (Sep 2007)
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Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
I liked that when in Michigan and the people asked about the jobs that they are loosing, and what he was going to do about them, he responded that those jobs are gone and aren't coming back. He seemed to be the only one that was saying that, though it might be that I just agree with him on that point.
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