As a Joe Average tax paying citizen, my wants are simple. I want some fresh negative ads, lies, mis-truths, slanted reporting, and yard signs, wheres all the dam yard signs. Just gimme some fresh dirt and feed me fresh ignorance once in a while. Hell we don't even require that it resembles the truth or makes any sense, just keep it coming. It reminds me of my first apartment that I shared with 8-10 other guys, we had 1 pot for mac & cheese, no matter how nasty the bottom of the pot really was, we just added a fresh box to the top and wallah, time to eat. When the pot got full of just the nasty stuff we threw the pot out and started the whole thing over with a fresh pot. Ya think this is what our founding fathers had in mind when they thought up the election part of our democracy?
If having all this crap droned into our heads is the only price we have to pay for freedon, then we are very fortunate compared to our soldiers who are suffering for real.
By the time November comes along we will all need to develop a way to laugh at all this or we will be hanging our selves with ear muffs on in record numbers.
They say the Meek shall inherit the earth, if they don't hurry up they're not gonna get much. Rant Over....LOL. EW