I thought 100LL was closer to 105MON?
Also I paid $3.90 for avgas, and pump premium was anywhere from 3.10 to 3.70 where we were riding up north.
According to BP's website it is minimum 99.5 MON. Thats where I got my info.
Sunoco 110 is 105MON
Heres some info from conoco phillips. Look down to the octane lean. That is the MON rating.
Additives - AO Antioxidants mg/gal 45.4
Additives - Conductivity Conductivity Improver 842
Additives - Dye Blue Dye mg/gal 10.2 805
Additives - General Note General Note 878
API Gravity (60 Deg F) D 4052 Density & Rel Dens API Report
Appearance D 4176 Wtr & Part Cont, Proc 1 Pass 841
Color, Visual D 2392 Color of Dyed Av Gas Blue
Copper Strip Corrosion D 130 Cu Str 2 Hr @ 212 F Rating 1b
Dist 10 Vol% Evap D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F 167
Dist 10%+50% Evap D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F 275
Dist 40 Vol% Evap D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F 167
Dist 50 Vol% Evap D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F 221
Dist 90 Vol% Evap D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F 275
Dist End Pt, corr D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F 338
Dist IBP, corr D 86 Dist at Atm Press Deg F Report
Dist Loss, corr D 86 Dist at Atm Press Vol% 1.5
Dist Recov, corr D 86 Dist at Atm Press Vol% 97
Dist Residue D 86 Dist at Atm Press Vol% 1.5
Freeze Pt D 2386 Freeze Pt by manual Deg C -58 808
Lead (Pb) D 5059 Lead by X-ray Spec gPb/gal 2.12
Lead as TEL eq D 5059 Lead by X-ray Spec ml TEL/gal 2.00
Net Heat of Combustion D 3338 Net Heat of Comb BTU/lb 18,720 835
Octane, Lean Number D 2700 Knock Charac by Motor 99.5
Octane, Performance No. D 909 Knock by Supercharge 130.0 809
Ox Stab, Lead Precip D 873 Ox Stab, 5 hrs aging mg/100ml 3 851
Ox Stab, Potential Gum D 873 Ox Stab, 5 hrs aging mg/100ml 6 851
Sulfur D 2622 S by X-ray Fluo Spec Wt% 0.05
Vapor Pressure (ASTM D 5191 VP Grabner (ASTM eq) psi 5.5 7.1
Water Rxn Vol Change D 1094 Water Rxn by manual ml + or - 2
Other - See Note Referee Methods 826
Other - See Note Test Tolerances
From Shell
Typical Properties
Max Value
Min Value
Knock Rating, Lean Mixture (Motor Method) Octane Number 99.5
Knock Rating, Rich Mixture (Supercharge Method) Performance Number 130
Freezing Point ºC -58
Distillation end point ºC 170
Reid Vapour Pressure @ 38ºC kPa 49 38
Sulphur content %m 0.05
Tetraethyl lead content gPb/l Avgas 100LL 0.56
Colour Blue
From BP, Though I have found other literature from BP stating that the Motor octane is 99.5 minimum, this is what is shown.
British Def Stan 91-90
Typical Properties
Knock rating
Lean mixture, aviation rating 105
Rich mixture, supercharge method 133
Tetraethyl lead, gPb/l 0.52
Colour Blue
Specific energy, net, MJ/kg 43.73
Density at 15ºC, kg/m
3 715
Initial boiling point, ºC 41
10% vol. evaporated at ºC 58
40% vol. evaporated at ºC 92
50% vol. evaporated at ºC 101
90% vol. evaporated at ºC 128
Final boiling point, ºC 156
Sum of 10% and 50% evaporated temperatures, ºC 164
Recovery, % vol 98
Residue, % vol 1
Loss, % vol 1
Vapour pressure, kPa 41.6
Freezing point, ºC below -60
Sulphur, % mass 0.0003
Copper strip corrosion (2h at 100ºC) 1
Existent gum, mg/100ml 1
Oxidation stability
Potential gum, mg/100ml 0.5
Lead precipitate, mg/100ml 1.0
Water reaction
Volume change, ml Nil
Interface rating 1