There is a difference between loud and obnoxious.
Personally, I wish there were no such thing as loud pipes at all.
All you're doing running a louder pipe is ******* the rest of us over.
I've yet to see any measurable performance gain by putting a loud pipe on a mostly stock "daily driver" sled that resulted in ___ANY___ tangible benefit at all to the rider.
It's an audible illusion and it's screwing the rest of us over.
If people wouldn't put the obnoxious pipes on, we'd have a lot more leeway on the sound checks, quieter aftermarket cans, etc.
I'm ******* sorry but when some jackass retard has a god damned pipe on thats so loud you can hear his sled and only his sled for 3 miles I seriously feel the need to home in on and and heave a massive rock at the douchetard.
It's completley unnecessary, and living in denial like you all are doing is ___NOT___ helping us.
You're screwing yourself over and you can't even figure it out, it's kinda stupid.