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Loud Exhaust On Snowmobiles... Is there a place for this anymore?

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I remember when he wrote this!
You should pay closer attention to your own forums... There was never a banner ad across the bottom of the page before, that is definately a new addition. In fact now there are 2 ads at the bottom of the page.

Love that pay me not to see the ads tactic. You will never get money from me that way...

Again, thanks for further destroying what used to be a great thing with your transparent greed.
I had hopes that would be the last of him. O well I guess hell hasn’t frozen over yet, or he surly would be riding his loud exhaust there.
I remember when he wrote this!

I had hopes that would be the last of him. O well I guess hell hasn’t frozen over yet, or he surly would be riding his loud exhaust there.

Someone should start a poll on whether to vote him off.
He did message me last week that he did regret spending the $30 on membership,I was hoping that was the last of him!

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Thank you for confirming that NOTHING has changed... Let us know how it works... You think that yours is a new idea? There have been dozens of lawsuits filed on our behalf over the years, show me one that has brought positive results to our community... Same old failed program, like I said...

Big10inch said:
The lawsuits are a good start, nobody has really taken the USFS to task.



I think I got all of it that time.
Someone should start a poll on whether to vote him off.
He did message me last week that he did regret spending the $30 on membership,I was hoping that was the last of him!
I’m sure Christopher would refund him, if not I think we could start a go fundraiser.
Someone should start a poll on whether to vote him off.
He did message me last week that he did regret spending the $30 on membership,I was hoping that was the last of him!

Yes, he LOVES internet polls . . ..believes them 100%, so if a majority would vote to remove him, he might just ride off into the sunset . . .. WITH a loud can, i might add :)
Whoa! Lets all calm down; Hold your horses. I have been watching this contentious thread for a while. There is a lot of passion expressed from many sides of the debate. IMO, that is what America is all about, the freedom of speech. It may be my 63 years of life that allows me to see both sides of the debate, good and bad, but I believe we need heated conversations to achieve meaningful changes and hopefully we are getting to that goal here. Gang censorship is not the American way, it is the way of the current liberal Democrats in Washington. There are "loud -mouths" on this forum, but the ones worth listening to are trying to express a point of view based upon experience. Let us not allow emotion to impede our quest for positive outcomes for our sport that is under attack from many sides.
Whoa! Lets all calm down; Hold your horses. I have been watching this contentious thread for a while. There is a lot of passion expressed from many sides of the debate. IMO, that is what America is all about, the freedom of speech. It may be my 63 years of life that allows me to see both sides of the debate, good and bad, but I believe we need heated conversations to achieve meaningful changes and hopefully we are getting to that goal here. Gang censorship is not the American way, it is the way of the current liberal Democrats in Washington. There are "loud -mouths" on this forum, but the ones worth listening to are trying to express a point of view based upon experience. Let us not allow emotion to impede our quest for positive outcomes for our sport that is under attack from many sides.

Couldn't agree more and i'm not even "old".
If you think getting rid of loud exhaust will stop us losing land to snowmobile, your wrong in my opinion. The greenies picked that, because they knew they could get a bunch of snowmobilers on board with them. Everybody and there brother could go to stock exhaust, and they are not going away. The next thing they'll do is something like " man I watched a Chris Burandt video, damn that dude is a stud, but did you see the number of trees that dude pumbled, and did you see the number of saws he carrys to cut down trees. We cant have that" then they'll get the trail guys on board with them. In my opinion we need to stick together. If a loud exhaust bothers me, I wont ride with you, or help pull you out when you're stuck.
The greenies picked that, because they knew they could get a bunch of snowmobilers on board with them.

You seen my checks from the sierra club anywhere? I can't seem to find them.

Intentionally louds sleds are a free gift to those kooks and add nothing. The more you can disarm their arguments, the easier it is to point out how full of shlt they are. It's that simple. We all know they're liars. Why make it more difficult to prove it?

Not one person has said in here that using quieter exhaust will make the nut jobs go away, of course they won't. It just removes validity for their case.
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You seen my checks from the sierra club anywhere? I can't seem to find them.

Intentionally louds sleds are a free gift to those kooks and add nothing. The more you can disarm their arguments, the easier it is to point out how full of shlt they are. It's that simple. We all know they're liars. Why make it more difficult to prove it?

Not one person has said in here that using quieter exhaust will make the nut jobs go away, of course they won't. It just removes validity for their case.
if you think so. But if you think itll ever end I think your wrong. They'll always come up with something new, and they'll always find guys like you to jump on there side.
I'm definitely on the side of those who hate us because that makes total sense, and I'm sure they'll just disappear if people used quiet cans --said no one in this thread, ever

It's like talking to a brick wall.

No one's trying to convince the crazies. It's the people that manage the land that matter.
Quiet or loud don't matter they are gonna try to take it all sooner or later. Wait till the UN takes ahold of it all then the sh.t gets real open yer eyes and wake up we are divided and that's what they want is us to fight with each other that way it makes there job easier. It no worse than a bad ass Harley cruzing down the highway or a helicopter fling over the woods making noise I would run a quiet pipe all day long of it would do anything good but it ain't gonna change they have to many excuses and motives to stop us. The truth is we stand divided we lose.

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Exactly. Divide and conquer is their mentality. Some on here have already fallen victim to it. I have what most on here would consider an old sled. The mbrp exhaust is loud and i don't really like it but it's what was on it when i bought it. Any of the "won't help pull you out when your stuck" snobs aren't any better than the sierra club snobs imo.
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