my sled has caught the bog and have been working with my dealer to get it fixed. have new injectors that should be arriving today. was begining the tear down yesterday and noticed both my powervalves had oil around the top. after looking closely the right side has blown half of the top of the gasket out. hit them both with a wrench and they were finger tight. my sled would only rev to 7,200 and then down to 6,500 and then back up. i'm a cat convert and had broken a powervalve cable on my mt. cat and it did basically the same thing, would only rev so high and then yo-yo. i see the powervalves on theses are vaccum activated and not a wire, does anyone know if the base gasket on these seal for vaccum??? does anyone know when the powervalves open and close??? found it odd that mine would bog at almost the exact same rpms everytime and then come back to life at the same almost everytime. makes sense to me that if the base gasket does hold vaccum that if they are leaking your sled will only pull up to where the valves are supposed to open, at this point the vaccum leak prevents the valve from opening and that causes it to bog back down to the spot they are supposed to close again...
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