I'd also check out an AXYS for that kind of money. Summer tend to bring the best deals if you're patient, but not always. Anyway, once you get into the AXYS, reliability shouldn't be a huge concern. If that's your priority though, the Doo 800s are pretty unbeatable. Guy I ride with was on a '13 for quite a while and had zero issues - something like 3000 miles and I think he even said he'd never replaced the belt! That said, beg, borrow, or steal a ride on all three brands if at all possible. AXYS, Ascender, or T3 are all solid choices, but one might work a lot better for you than the others. You do see strong brand preference in some areas too, so the bargains might be in the "off" brands, and I can see people unloading Cats because of the uncertainty about their future.