I say he should keep acting like this until November just to show who he really is. I think that it is really odd that he is trying to run against her instead of McCain. I think he is SCARED!!
he is an 'empty suit' / machuiran candidate, a puppet, he will ruin America and get 1000s of service members killed with little cause
She just gave a helluva speech when she got back to Fairbanks a little while ago on Fox news. She's a great speaker and I can't wait for the debates (for once).
yes she is a great speaker, largely be cause she has conviction in her values, she also can seamlessly continue when the teleprompter crashes, osama falters like a drunk
Through everything this country has endured in the last decade, can you REALLY honestly expect someone to be patriotic about the U.S.A. with a name like "Barack Hussein Obama"????????????? If somehow he finds his way into office, we become the laughing stock of world history. Purely my opinion. 15 years in the Navy.........
my sister was there and said this didn't happen, video appears to be true...