So after being unfriended by several people on facebook (my heart is TRULY broken to be unassociated with these partcular people ) I decided to bring it to an older, more educated group of people that I look to on a regular basis for information.....
Found this photo because several people shared it and made completely uneducated and outrageous statements about Obama with it. Now I'm not Pro-Obama, I really don't care for any politician, but I guess somebody does hafta be the man in charge, and we're stuck with 'em for a bit more. Anyway, would someone please explain to me Barack Obama's direct influence on the price of fuel (if any), compared to the record high price during the bush administration.
Here's a national average fuel price chart over the years, and the site has a state-by-state average fuel price ticker on the side of the page.
Just wanted to get an older, hopefully less narrow-minded and much more educated response than the childish "WELL, BUROCK OHBAMA MAKESS EVURYTHING IN ARE CUNTRY MOORE BAD" type of facebook bickering.
Found this photo because several people shared it and made completely uneducated and outrageous statements about Obama with it. Now I'm not Pro-Obama, I really don't care for any politician, but I guess somebody does hafta be the man in charge, and we're stuck with 'em for a bit more. Anyway, would someone please explain to me Barack Obama's direct influence on the price of fuel (if any), compared to the record high price during the bush administration.
Here's a national average fuel price chart over the years, and the site has a state-by-state average fuel price ticker on the side of the page.
Just wanted to get an older, hopefully less narrow-minded and much more educated response than the childish "WELL, BUROCK OHBAMA MAKESS EVURYTHING IN ARE CUNTRY MOORE BAD" type of facebook bickering.