I think the people running a company, should only get paid if the company succeeds. They should make money if the company does.
No cap. If your company makes enough money so you can be paid more than 500k a year, so be it. But if it doesn't, and your salary hurts your own company, isn't there a little moral responsibility there? Shouldn't you cut your own pay a bit so your company can succeed if that's what it takes?
Greed is a problem in this country, but socialism ISN'T the answer. Responsibility lies in the bosses, who need to wake up and realize their company is nose diving in time to correct it. You can't tell me NO ONE saw this collapse coming, and yet these guys kept shoveling money in to their pockets regardless.
Oh well, I can't do anything about it, so I figure a good internet rant is the best I can do.
No cap. If your company makes enough money so you can be paid more than 500k a year, so be it. But if it doesn't, and your salary hurts your own company, isn't there a little moral responsibility there? Shouldn't you cut your own pay a bit so your company can succeed if that's what it takes?
Greed is a problem in this country, but socialism ISN'T the answer. Responsibility lies in the bosses, who need to wake up and realize their company is nose diving in time to correct it. You can't tell me NO ONE saw this collapse coming, and yet these guys kept shoveling money in to their pockets regardless.
Oh well, I can't do anything about it, so I figure a good internet rant is the best I can do.