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Letter to Senator Murray

I just sent this letter to Senator Murray. I am sure it will fall on deaf ears, but I will post what response I get when it arrives. If you don't hear from me it means the secret police showed up;)

Dear Senator Murray,

I have never written a representative, but feel compelled to do so now. This current health care bill is ill-conceived, unconstitutional, and will become an enormous burden on the middle class of the United States of America. Please vote no on this bill!
As you can see I come from the conservative side of the state. I usually vote republican as I feel the Republican Party generally represents my conservative interests. That being said, I feel that you must take into consideration all of your constituents, even those that are not likely voters.
I feel this bill is ill-conceived for many reasons, but my primary concern is how both the senate and the house have gone about moving this bill through into law. Much of the discussion and voting have happened late at night on the weekends. This alone is enough to raise anyone's eyebrows as to how business is being conducted among our current representatives. Throw in bribes to certain states like Nebraska and I don't see how anyone could vote for this with a clear conscience.
As to the constitutionality of the bill, the concerns are many. However, it is very clear that it violates taxation without representation, as taxation begins four years before any supposed benefits of this bill.
Finally, this bill will impose a major burden on the middle class. I am reluctant to use the oft-clichéd middle class to support my point, but I feel the argument is valid here. As with any well-intentioned policy that comes out of Washington, the middle class (along with the wealthy) bear the brunt of these massive bureaucratic spending programs. The poor don't pay, and the ultra wealthy have the resources to easily pay.
The citizens of this great country are what make it great, not Washington policy. The citizens of this great country are getting angry that Washington continues to spend our dollars irresponsibly, piling up an unconceivable federal debt. In fact, as individuals are tightening their belts due to massive recession (rightfully so) our representatives are dreaming up new ways to spend massive amounts of money (health care reform, cap and trade, etc). Please do what is right for your constituents, vote no on this bill!
I sent her a similar letter 6 months ago.

You'll get a form letter back, and get on a news letter email about how great health care reform will be. It'll be filled with sob story examples of hardships people have with health care and insurance.

We need to vote at the ballot box and get every single person voting for this crap out of office. They clearly don't uderstand what the problems are and if they really do, they don't care. It's all about money, power, and control.

What is going on right now in DC is criminal and we're all going to pay, in a big way .
anyone know where we can find information about the current health care bill?

the actual bill itself..

Questions for you guys..

1) What exactly are you guys against in the bill?

2) Do you agree that the current health care system is broken and needs to be changed?
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anyone know where we can find information about the current health care bill?

the actual bill itself..

Questions for you guys..

1) What exactly are you guys against in the bill?

2) Do you agree that the current health care system is broken and needs to be changed?

1. I made my main points in the letter above. Did you read it?

2. I am arguing against this bill, not proposing my own.
1. I made my main points in the letter above. Did you read it?
yes I did, but 2 of your points about the bill had nothing to do with the actual specifics of the bill itself. Your last point about middle class paying for it is true and I agree with it. Though, I / we are currently paying for it now also, aren't we? I was curious as to specific disagreements as to the content of the bill, not just a "I don't like it" phrasing...

Just curious as this is a very interesting subject, and this topic and any changes of our current system will have a HUGE effect on all of us.

2. I am arguing against this bill, not proposing my own.
True, I am just curious as to if you think the current system is good enough that this bill will not change ANYTHING for the better? Just trying to get a frame of reference as to your point of view.
anyone know where we can find information about the current health care bill?

the actual bill itself..

Questions for you guys..

1) What exactly are you guys against in the bill?

Exactly!!! Who knows what's in it? This bill was completed on Saturday and a vote was held to end debate on at 1am on Sunday night.

I'm against raming through reform before x-mas just to say you did it. Maybe if it was a vote on a new swingset for these children in congress, but this is 1/6th of our economy. Do you realy trust them to understand all the nuances of the health care system, the economics around it, and that they won't completely colaspe it and burden tax payers with their mistakes? Everything the gov touches turns black (or should i say red).

Stay the heck out of a free economy and let it do it's thing. Just like nature. Don't pretend to understand the balance of nature. Scientists insert something new, that doesn't naturally belong, and now the eco system goes sideways. There are tons of examples of this. The economy surrounding our healthcare industry is no different. Didn't we learn from them poking their fingers into the mortgage industry and screwing that up?

2) Do you agree that the current health care system is broken and needs to be changed?

No, it isn't broken, it just need tweaked.

Step 1. get the government and your employer completely out of it. That'll fix 99% of the problems. This will promote choice, increased competition, and no worries about pre-existing conditions when you change jobs. Your insurance sticks with you, just like your car. What a novel idea.... A gov run public option won't do it and only a fool would beleive that's the best way to increase competition. It may not be in this bill, but it's hooks are and it's the next step. A senator was quoted today saying this is a "first stater home" for geting us to the final result, single payer healthcare.

Why don't they dig into the root of what is causing the rising costs? We all know it isn't the insurance industry. I met with Regence Blue Cross last week. They've had protesters outside mad about how much money they make. They are a freaking NON-PROFIT. HELLO!! Etna makes 3% operational margin. What industry makes less than that?? Costs are high for many obivous reasons, un-insured, underpayment by medicare/medicade, frivilous lawsuits, un-necessary tests to avoid frivilous lawsuits, etc. I'm sure there are a mountain of other reasons costs are so high, and hospital administrators could probably point them out in 30 minutes.

I don't want a 2000 page reform bill full of pork, payoffs, and expemptions for Senators smart enough to not want any party of it for their states. (If it wasn't good for their state then why is it good for the nation as a whole??) I want a clear description of what causes costs to be so high, recommended solutions approved both parties, and a plan put forward to make necessary changes. Take baby steps. You don't have to solve this over night unless you just want one more thing to brag about what you did in your first year as president.

We need to vote every person who voted for this crap out of office. Don't just let them know they lost your vote, but that you will do everything in your power to convince as many people as possible to not vote for them. We need fiscally responsible represenitives who support small government. Historians have always said that every democracy will turn eventually turn into communism. Lets prove them wrong!!

I've thought a lot about the state of our nation today, I could go on for hours. We are a laughing stock and I'm embarassed at what is going on in this country. I'm embarassed that our legislators are this dumb (and/or corrupt) and I'm embarassed that we as citizens have to sit back and just take it. I'm even more embarassed at what sheep many citizens are. (insert global warming rant here) American has the reputation as the land of opportunity. It is why all of us are here. Those days are numbered.....

Okay, done with my venting for now......
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She talks about six months of letters from people who need "a real health care plan". Surely it just slipped her mind to mention your letters Swampy:rolleyes:

Well said V-man. I have been doing the same thinking. It is apparent that writing to these representatives is falling on deaf ears, but I am going to do it anyway before we vote them out.
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I dunno whats in the current bill as it changes so often a guy cant really get a handle on it!!

That being said it I know it dosent have a public option or expansion of Medicare.....

I dont like the thought of the Government telling me I hafta buy Ins....I also dont like the fact that my premiums are certainly high in order to cover deadbeats who show up at Emergency rooms with a splinter in the thumb.

I dont like Goverment ran stuff...When I was a kid and my Dad left my Mom with us kids we were on Medicaid for a year or two. It was horrible, embarrassing and demeaning. Until my Mom got herself back ontrack we had those red cards for poor kids to get free lunch and I'll not ever forget it.

I have busted my arse for many years to insure that my kids never hafta beg for a handout of hot school lunch or freebie poor kid medical care.

Heres the deal that strikes me as funky.....It seems to me that instead of our Politicians working together on tweaking or fixing the shortcomings of our current system its simply Political....Like niether side gives a crap about us. Its all about crap like "This will be his Waterloo" and "Death Panels".

What a load of chit. All these elected officials simply jockeying for points come election time.

The Greedmiesters in the GOP dont want to do a thing as they see this as a way to gain seats and hold theirs.

The dirty Dawg Dems want to pass anything that will make them look functional and helping the American people.

Both sides are rank and file politico's with an agenda that is wholly self serving....Career Politician? Shouldnt even be in our vocabulary.

The right stating that the Dems will get voted out if they pass this? As in what the alternative is dont pass it and Mike Steele and his crew will throw you a few bucks towards your Lefty Lib campaign and make a few speeches for ya?

What a dirty game....Pffft. Both sides essentially stink like hot garbage.

Our Senators and Congressman should be severely term limited and forced to wear those Nascar style driving suits listing all their sponsers up and down the sleeves, on the back....Then we know what their real agenda truly is and who owns them and drives influence in our legislative process.

Team Trial Lawyers, Team Big Pharma, Team United Health Care, Team Big Oil, Team Whatever....I kinda wanna know who these fvckers are playing for besides their own selfish power hungry greedy selves. Bi-Partisianly and daggummed Uni-Laterally!!
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Gonna take some real type of heat to get these ****in clowns out.
I don't know really how it can bo done. I never trust the people who
do the counting of votes as they are for sale also. remember the old,s more important to be the vote counter than to vote.. especially
with this stupid person we call "mesiah" (nobama) wafj
it,s more important to be the vote counter than to vote.. especially
with this stupid person we call "mesiah" (nobama) wafj

When you say "We" who are you talking too? Is "We" you and Sean Hannity?

I dont call anyone "Mesiah"...Although I think its spelled "Messiah" no?

Just in case you were wondering "Radically Different" from what you think and believe need not be termed "Stupid"...It should be simply seen as radically different from your core beliefs and nowhere near where you want to be politically.

I'm not a Liberal nor do I subscribe to the Liberal agenda...But that is their agenda, the platform that they were duly elected upon by the majority. To call that stupid or Un-American is simply....Stupid and extremely Un-American.

Let go of the Limbaugh and Hannity talking points and start thinking for yourselves.

I dont like whackjobs of any political persuasion attacking "My" current President because you disagree with the agenda of the party any more than I liked those creeps that attacked "My" former President GW Bush.

Grow up and vote. Obviously didnt work this last go round as the friggin Dems have a sitting super majority in the fvcking senate and own the derned house....And all you guys can say is "He is Stupid"...Wow.
the platform that they were duly elected upon by the majority. To call that stupid or Un-American is simply....Stupid and extremely Un-American.

I have to respectfully disagree.

Back in February Obama has said it himself, he wants to fundamentally transform the United States. That in itself is Un-American.

We have our problems, but I like the fundamentals of our founding fathers, not an inexperienced politician who won a popularity contest. In my mind they were far more insightful and brilliant than any of today's leaders. He may be book smart, but all that college theory is worthless the day after you've got the diploma. This is the real world now.

Do you really think all the people that voted for Obama understood what they were getting? He has a special star quality and many people do worship him. That isn't a good thing. For those that were paying attention, many of his campaign promises sounded very good (no pork, no lobbyists, bills on line, cspan in all health care meetings, fiscal responsibility, no taxes on 95% of Americans, etc.) The problem is he hasn't lived up to a single one of them and all of these problems have exploded even further.

He deserves the criticism he is getting, and everyone's concerns and frustrations need to be respected. The comments, even from Congress, that people who object to these new policies and initiatives are racists and just hate Obama are despicable. They hate the policy and what it will do to this nation.
Back in February Obama has said it himself, he wants to fundamentally transform the United States. That in itself is Un-American.

That was his entire "Line" during the campaign....He threw out the bait...America bit! Is a Lying Politician something new and unheard of or???

To infer that anything short of absolute far right conservatism, unregulated, unfettered, corporate money making is somehow the saviour of our country is wrong IMO...Just as wrong as the libs and the socialism crap.

Todays Conservatism cares zilch about the declining middle class. thats a problem IMO. Todays conservatism buys into outsourcing to maximize profitability and unregulated shenanigans in our financial sector.

Todays Conservatism is driven by Corporate lobbyist money and is by all rights a fantasy in todays increasingly competitive global market.

Todays Liberalism is pretty derned bad as well.

We have our problems, but I like the fundamentals of our founding fathers,

Oh come on with that Glenn Beck talk radio founding fathers crap V-Man...You are smarter than that.

What would the Fathers think of the billions of corporate dollars that drive our elected officials every move?

What would the founding fathers think of where we are when it comes to legislation in this country today? They would roll in their graves.

Now read this drivel again:
it,s more important to be the vote counter than to vote.. especially
with this stupid person we call "mesiah" (nobama) wafj

So in this members opinion its more important to be the "Vote counter" than it is to vote? Especially when its a "Stupid" person like the "Mesiah"?

How absurd and silly. "C'mon in Bobby...The grits and greens are getting cold. Stop counting them thar' 50 million votes and get in house and eat"!!!
It’s also sad to see that a conservative movement that once had great intellectual's and smart folks with real energy now handing over its agenda to talk show host's whose views and ideology would once have been seen as too far right to be taken seriously by any realistic mainstream conservatives......

This country needs a conservative movement that will not be feared or mocked by non-conservatives or the critical independent voter....A movement a bit more mainstream than ugly sign toting bussed in by Lobbyist money crazies trying to get counted at a rally. In the short term (2010?) that stuff should work...Long term? Nary a chance.
i think you are way to polite, treason for helping in the destruction of your country is more like it
Please elaborate, who were those "had great intellectual's and smart folks with real energy" you speak of? And did I not read a post in another thread where you claimed to have written 2 conservative books, would you enlighten us with the titles so I see if you are what you claim to be. Swampy:eek:

It’s also sad to see that a conservative movement that once had great intellectual's and smart folks with real energy now handing over its agenda to talk show host's whose views and ideology would once have been seen as too far right to be taken seriously by any realistic mainstream conservatives......

This country needs a conservative movement that will not be feared or mocked by non-conservatives or the critical independent voter....A movement a bit more mainstream than ugly sign toting bussed in by Lobbyist money crazies trying to get counted at a rally. In the short term (2010?) that stuff should work...Long term? Nary a chance.
That was his entire "Line" during the campaign....He threw out the bait...America bit! Is a Lying Politician something new and unheard of or???"

Yep, and he should be flamed right along with every other lying politician. And in this country we have the right to do it, until they try to start squashing free speech (fairness doctrine)

Todays Conservatism is driven by Corporate lobbyist money and is by all rights a fantasy in todays increasingly competitive global market.

Really? Wall street thieves and lying cheating executives are not the model of conservatism. Just because someone has an "R" next to their name it doesn't mean they are a conservative either. There are a few out there, Michele Bachmann for one, but in today's government they are a dying breed. Of course we don't want to elect anarchists, but there's a lot of room to the right to move. Let the pendulum swing.

Oh come on with that Glenn Beck talk radio founding fathers crap V-Man...You are smarter than that.

Hey, you know I like Glenn Beck. I wish every reporter or talk show host spent as much energy as him to expose and weed out corruption. Admit it, he's a smart guy. His fans are growing in record proportion for a reason. His FOX show contains substance and is backed up with facts like I've never seen from any other reporter or commentator. His radio program is not as on point in my opinion.

What would the Fathers think of the billions of corporate dollars that drive our elected officials every move?

What would the founding fathers think of where we are when it comes to legislation in this country today? They would roll in their graves.

Yep, they'd roll over in their graves. I've heard enough quotes from our founding fathers (many from Beck) to realize their genius. They could see ahead 200+ years and call out what's happening right now. This is exactly what they tried to avoid! I'm no historian, but I'm betting they couldn't predict the future but are recalling problems from the past governments they lived under. Not sure why we can't learn from history.

Now read this drivel again:

So in this members opinion its more important to be the "Vote counter" than it is to vote? Especially when its a "Stupid" person like the "Messiah"?

I never said I agreed with that statement. Maybe for high school president, but not the leader of our country. Obama is a charismatic likable guy who wasn't George Bush. The sheep fell hook line and sinker and he was fairly elected. I don't think our electoral process is corrupt, just the guys we're electing.

One note, I would like to see some campaign financing reform. You shouldn't be able to buy and election.
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One note, I would like to see some campaign financing reform. You shouldn't be able to buy and election.

One could argue that the problem isn't that they are buying it, but it is the fact that we are selling it...

Kind of like limits to executive compensation. It does nothing to the actual compensation of an executive, but at least we get to feel good about a law that is passed. There are always loopholes..

It is time for America to stop passing the buck.
One could argue that the problem isn't that they are buying it, but it is the fact that we are selling it...

Kind of like limits to executive compensation. It does nothing to the actual compensation of an executive, but at least we get to feel good about a law that is passed. There are always loopholes..

It is time for America to stop passing the buck.

Tough problem to solve. I agree there are always loopholes. I have not thought through all the caveats yet but I'm sure there is an answer out there somehwere. You just can't have one guy getting airtime on TV/press/etc in a 4:1 ratio compared to his competitor. The more press a guy gets the better chances he has to win, even if the coverage is meaningless. That's just the way it is.

They need to take popularity out of it and focus on the issues and policy, then hold them accountable. Don't ask me how its done. Hmmm.... that gives me an idea for a new thread.
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