People & potential
This is a highly emotional issue fraught with pain and anguish on both sides. I count myself in the Pro-Life camp, but I'm not going to pass judgement on someone who has had to make a decision as painful as aborting their child.
I also think the idea that as guys we "don't have a seat at that table" is a complete fallacy. Were you born? Then it's an issue that affects you and could have ended your life before it ever began. Do we have "less skin in the game?" Definitely. My wife is pregnant right now & It's not been an easy pregnancy. She's miserable and has been for 5 months. And I'm not the one who has to push the kid out when the time comes. I'm not the one who will be breastfeeding him, or changing most of his diapers. But I'm there for her. And I'll get up with her in the middle of the night when he's up & colicky in a few more months.
The same things bother me in this debate that bother me in the debates about immigration. You are talking about people, not just some drain on society. People have enormous potential. Ending a life before it has begun deprives us of the next Beethoven or the next Hitler for all we know, but That Being has the right to exist & determine their own future, make their own decisions. Should a single woman with no man to support her be able to make the decision to abort an unborn child? I don't know. I would lean towards no, but I have not walked in her shoes.
On the immigration side of things, we sit here in our comfortable jobs, in the top 2% of the world economy if we're employed in the US & think we have the right to say to those fleeing violence, war, etc, "Sorry, you're not good enough." What makes us so much better? Why because I was born in America should I have access to so much more than my brothers in the dust & pronounce their excess?
Smokin Dave, I'm sorry you lost your Daughter. I could not imagine going through that. My oldest brother died of cancer 23 years ago & it still hurts.
Putting People first is what matters most to me. When we cut off opportunity to choose & to self-determine, we cut off a little of our own humanity if you ask me.