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Last minute, need riding partners (flexible on where - western states preferred)

I had a trip planned for this coming weekend (March 11th to around Wednesday March 16th) and it got canceled. Was planning to hit Grand Mesa, snow seems decent there from what I’ve seen/heard.

Anyone going this weekend or next week and have space for one more rider? I’d be on an 163, AXYS pump gas turbo, with all the usual bits, being:

BCA 2.0 radio
Avy pack
Shovel(s), one in the pack another on the sled

I’m in Illinois so I cango east too, never been, looking for steep ‘n deep like all of us.

Just turned 50, in decent shape and been mountain riding for around 15 years now…ya won’t see me doing any hopovers with my sea level lung capacity.
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