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Lamoille Canyon Pres Weekend

I have always been one of the guys reading the posts and enjoying the best web site on the internet. But I have to finally register and post.

I just want to let you guys and gals know, its not worth your time to go to Elko and ride the Rubies. The riders in Elko, you know who you are, are nothing but petty criminals who have lost all credibility with me and my friends. We went out to ride the famous Lamoille Canyon because of the pictures we have seen on this site. Liberty Pass and Liberty Lake looked awesome. But low and behold its Wilderness. The gentlemen we were riding with did not tell us this little fact. So we were riding and enjoying the day with some truly awesome riding areas, and all of a sudden this local Elko resident rides up and says "The Forest Circus is here, get out of here." So we start following everyone. About 15 people or so, and we top a hill and there they are. Four of them. These were not the regular forest service employees, but gun toting Federal Officers with handcuffs. They informed us we were riding in Wilderness. Where were the locals we were riding with? They continued on running like ants. They did not even look back or even try to stand their ground. We were new to the area and had only a vague idea of where we were. The locals I used to admire for their stand against big brother ran like common criminals. Seven of us got tickets for being in the Wilderness at $525.00 each. So take head, Do not trust or ride with the local Elko Riders, they will get you in trouble, unless that is what you are looking for or at least ask if you are going to be riding in bounds or out. The Forest Cop told us it is a Class B misdemeanor which he said carries a maximum of 6 months in jail or a $5000.00 fine or both. Now I will have a record. This is going to federal court. A second offense will also include a impounded sled. He also said this little operation was in the planning for a very long time and it will continue. Neither my friends or I will ever go to Elko again. So much for sledders taking care of sledders. Yep, you are right, it was our duty to know where we were.
Cmon pinecone, MAN-UP and take it, you said it yourself. Don't rip on a beautiful area because you blew it. Would you have followed them off a cliff also? You have seen pictures and assumed it was all good to go. Why didn't you get on here and ask questions before you went on the trip? That's what this site is about. As for the "locals", what are you going to do, they will get their's if they continue to break the law. We hope you will get over this and ride another day here.
Cmon pinecone, MAN-UP and take it, you said it yourself. Don't rip on a beautiful area because you blew it. Would you have followed them off a cliff also? You have seen pictures and assumed it was all good to go. Why didn't you get on here and ask questions before you went on the trip? That's what this site is about. As for the "locals", what are you going to do, they will get their's if they continue to break the law. We hope you will get over this and ride another day here.

I have to admit there is way too much confusion over that boundry. Maybe if the locals would leave the signs up we could avoid getting into trouble.
Guys Guys Guys, Not all of us locals are what you're saying we are. Im a local out of Elko. I know some riders that are pretty big A** holes, 3-4 at the most. Not the 50 that ride up there. There should be a sign up at the pass to warn you of the willderness
area. P'M with the names of the locals that you rode with and I'll tell you if you were better of alone.
I'm another local and feel there is plenty to offer on the legal side of the pass, although the amount of money spent enforcing such assinine legislation in the first place is simply incomprehensible. They had an eye in the sky, four on the ground, and two on the snow (roughly $5,900.00/day) in an endless search for those who dare to violate what one had the gall to call (sacred ground) in a visit I had with one of them a few years ago. It's a mystery to me where they find individuals who care to enforce such a misdirected piece of legislation in the first place. I realize we are the greatest country in the free world, but standing back watching this wilderness enforcement effort sometimes makes me embarrassed I'm a voting citizen.
With that load off my mind here's some photos from a great ride ride my son and I had on Monday. It is definitely worth visiting, simply put big daddy in the noisy chopper hovering over your head all day on ignore, and have a good ride. Believe me, when you approach the boundary big daddy will be over your head locking down your position with his government purchased GPS. Rangers in the parking lot and on sleds are locked and loaded, be careful!!!
The best part of the day was being able to show my boy (who is young and still impressionable) how poorly directed a democracy can become, he definitely developed the right attitude yesterday. I hope that he and his generation will have enough energy to fight all the wrongs placed upon us by our very own government.


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Sorry to hear that you guys got busted, but on the otherside of the story you should have know where the boundaries were and/or at least asked if any of this is wilderness. I'm pround to be an Elko resident and beleive that this is one of the best places to ride(even on the legal side of the hill)and be damned if some out of towner is going to blame all locals for their misunderstanding and calling all of us common criminals like where the one who gave you the ticket!
Sorry to hear that you guys got busted, but on the otherside of the story you should have know where the boundaries were and/or at least asked if any of this is wilderness. I'm pround to be an Elko resident and beleive that this is one of the best places to ride(even on the legal side of the hill)and be damned if some out of towner is going to blame all locals for their misunderstanding and calling all of us common criminals like where the one who gave you the ticket!

OK enough of the out of town folks B.S. It just so happens we are all Nevadans who stand up for what is right and are proud of our Nevada Heritage. But, there is a known dispute between Elko County and the U.S Government, and the citizens of Elko County have made it a point to continue this dispute going back to the "Shovel Brigade". I am very up to date on this issue since I am related to attorney whom resides and practices in Elko, whom just happens to work with the lead attorney whom was the legal representation for the "Shovel Brigade".

So it is common knowledge that snowmobilers continue to violate the wilderness boundary. There is also direct knowledge of removal or destruction of the boundaries signage or surveillance equipment placed at that crossing.

Now Blazer this original post has been and it's information has been directed to the Elko attorney that I have referenced above and legal review of this weekends Forest Service actions will be questioned. Now as for the facts, #1 I am responsible for knowing the boundaries as well as the Local riders do. #2 The Forest Service does a very POOR job of providing the proper notification to all riders. (Mt Rose has very clear maps at the base of the hill, provided by the local snowmobile organization) #3 There all comes a point and time when we as snowmobilers need to pull our heads out of our a**es and figure out that we are on borrowed time. Our behavior,be it in Humboldt National Forest or the Bridger Teton National Forest is being graded day to day,month to month and year to year. As sad as it is the Forest Supervisors make the decisions not the people. All it takes is a court to make the decision and the really bad news is that any Forest decision will not be made in Nevada it will be made in San Francisco.

So go ahead and accuse an out of towner being stupid because they did not know the boundary. So my question to you is what do you call a person whom knows the boundary and continues to violate it day after day???
I'm another local and feel there is plenty to offer on the legal side of the pass, although the amount of money spent enforcing such assinine legislation in the first place is simply incomprehensible. They had an eye in the sky, four on the ground, and two on the snow (roughly $5,900.00/day) in an endless search for those who dare to violate what one had the gall to call (sacred ground) in a visit I had with one of them a few years ago. It's a mystery to me where they find individuals who care to enforce such a misdirected piece of legislation in the first place. I realize we are the greatest country in the free world, but standing back watching this wilderness enforcement effort sometimes makes me embarrassed I'm a voting citizen.
With that load off my mind here's some photos from a great ride ride my son and I had on Monday. It is definitely worth visiting, simply put big daddy in the noisy chopper hovering over your head all day on ignore, and have a good ride. Believe me, when you approach the boundary big daddy will be over your head locking down your position with his government purchased GPS. Rangers in the parking lot and on sleds are locked and loaded, be careful!!!
The best part of the day was being able to show my boy (who is young and still impressionable) how poorly directed a democracy can become, he definitely developed the right attitude yesterday. I hope that he and his generation will have enough energy to fight all the wrongs placed upon us by our very own government.



Very well put Scotty, Looks like you had a great ride Monday, As did I.
The white Chevy that Honked at you on the rode was Alex and I.

While we were sitting on the bench at Lamoille, 4 FS riders came down from the pass. It makes you wonder why their up there on a Monday, and Not on a saturday or sunday?

P.S. This Saturday A group of us is planning a ride in Lamoille, would you like to tag along? should be fun. Let me know.
Well Pinecone............. this seems to me to be one of the big problems in this country today ." YOU WILL NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS." It is your responsibility to know the riding area. If you have local friends here that took you riding then I'm sure you knew full well of the "wilderness" situation. Quit whining about the problem you caused for yourself.
That being said, this has been an ongoing issue with the USFS. The boundary is not well marked, and in fact this is an Illegal wilderness area. The fact that it does not fit the criteria set forth by the Feds when the Wilderness Act was created should be enough to have it returned to the public. They have not followed through with their responsibilities after its designation i.e........ no economic or environmental studies to ensure that this closure was a proper decision. In addition the physical survey of the "so called " boundary has never been completed. Which means they do not have a "legal" description of where the actual lines are. There for, in my opinion, the fines issued, are extortion of money from the American people.
Also, the USFS gave themselves police power............ how the hell does that work. Maybe I should just give myself a gun & badge and start harassing the public. The Law enforcement division of the USFS was originally created for internal policing of "that" federal agency, not policing of the public. The Gestapo tactics of the USFS in Elko County are well known. They seem to take a self important, self ruling, self governing control. They are unprofessional, violent, and threatening of the people here. They do not conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. This last weekend they illegally detained an individual for sometime while they tried to determine if he had been seen the day before........... WRONG........... where is the proof........... if he was there why wasn't he detained the day before!!!!! They can not just hold you for a lineup on suspicion of violation. The clothes, machines, and sheer numbers of each that all look the same, make it nearly impossible to identify someone from a distance, let alone at any kind of speed.
This government agency is out of control, without having to answer to anyone about their actions. I would love to see an attorney with enough kahonies and support to put these "Super Tree Cops" in there place.
I don,t believe you went over the top of liberty pass and did not know you were entering the wilderness, the pass is only 30 yards wide and there is a sign.
I don,t believe you went over the top of liberty pass and did not know you were entering the wilderness, the pass is only 30 yards wide and there is a sign.

There was no SIGN... Hate to break it to you, as of this past weekend.
I would love to see an attorney with enough kahonies and support to put these "Super Tree Cops" in there place.

Alright the FS is not some kind of crazy CIA force. If a LEO is giving you crap call the forest office and talk to his supervisor. If that doesn't work, call the regional office. The FS is one of the biggest pushed around agency ever, the problem is that most of the pushing is the green side because they have the numbers and whine more.
Stay Home Then

Hey Pinecone had you not been busted by the fish cops then you probabally would be writing about how great a place this is to ride and what a great time you and your friends had. If you cant be grown up enough to take responsibility for youre own actions, much less knowing where the hell you are riding then stay home we dont want you here anyway.
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