This isn't where we left the KLIM trailer... KLIM's in Puyallup, Wa for the snow show and our trailer was stolen last night at the hotel while attached to the truck. Luckily we got the trailer back but the perps made away with few boxes of gear.
I know I asked this all ready on the fb but this is more direct.
How did you catch them or find it?
Makes me more interested in the post I put up a couple months ago.
Still wondering why we don't all use the mobile tracking devices for these items?
I looked up a few and to my understanding there are a wide variety of products from the cheap charge up and turn on ones all the way up to a low jack style that is permanently mounted and has a service fee.
I'd be e interested in one the size of like a bigger GPS I could throw under my sled engine before I turn in for the night.
Or just keep it charged in the trailer either way as long as its on the their is screwed and all my hard work isn't lost