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Klim Radius Goggles why buy them?

Worked good for me!

I picked up a set of the new Klim Goggles, smoked lens/gold mirror and decided to give them a try yesterday on our ride. Snow was pretty fluffy powder about 3+ ft deep (deepest fresh we've had here in a couple years:D)... needless to say it was a total stuckfest all day so there was a LOT of digging going on, EVERYBODY was stuck a lot and everybody was having issues with their various brands of goggles, I was the only one with the Klim's.

I would honestly say for my past experience having run Scott 89XI LS for the last 6 years and LOVING them, the Klim's by comparison excelled with their field of vision, comfort and fit to my face, sealed very well to my helmet (AFX FX-17), and the most heated topic on here - the fogging - IMO was not excessive. For the conditions we were in, I would not have expected any better performance out of any brand of goggle.

Don't get me wrong, I did have some fogging issues, most of which were on the outside lens and were easily wiped away, but based on past experience I am pleased with the performance and look forward to trying them again the next time we ride.

The smoked lens/gold mirror worked well for me in terms of definition as we rode in a mix ranging from sun in the morning, to heavy overcast, to thick fog and flat light with a trip back to the truck in the dark. I NEVER felt impeded from not being able to see adequately, actually I was impressed. The only area I was looking for more was on the ride out in the dark, as I am used to wearing light sensitive goggles that go clear at night, the smoke was darker than I was used to, but not an issue with my good set of headlights, and NOT the goggle's fault as it wasn't designed to be light sensitive.

Overall I am very happy and if the next rides return results as good as this trip showed me, I will be buying another pair:D
poo bought klim...i suspect the same fella that fitted and glued the driveshafts assembled these goggles as well...

And what differance does the helmet make..!!..if a brand of goggle works in a helmet and the Klims don;t....well its still a fail in my books...

hope Klim figures out what went wrong and where...
Have bought klim gear for the last 10 years and these will be back up goggles.Mine fogged up just sitting on my sled.went back to my scotts.very over rated.

What helmet are you using?

Yeah. Don't you know that if you want a $150 pair of goggles to work right, you must also buy the $350 helmet?? Silly MAC29.:face-icon-small-dis
I tried mine yesterday, which are gold mirror/smoke (non polarized). Mine did fog up on me a little, but as long as I was moving I could see good enough. Not terrible though.

I did have trouble seeing with them when the overcast skies got a little darker, so I had to revert to my rose tinted aviators to see a bit better.

Using them with a Klim F4 helmet BTW.
Two sets of yellow here between me and a buddy. Both got fog between the lenses. Not impressed. Will be returning them and going with the old reliable smiths again I guess.
Tried mine out yesterday as well. Fogged like mad. But, with the breath box in my Fly H2 Carbon helmet, the goggles did not get a good seal around my face. I will give them another shot without the breath box in place...
never touch the lens with your fingers, dont let the strap touch the lens. only wipe the lens with a soft lens cloth. anytime you get dirt, oil, anything else on the lens it give moisture an item to stick to and it produces, fog...

This is true for all goggles.

Saturdays ride had a kid that was having issues with another major brand fogging. Snow was deep fluff that was providing face shots with every turn. I loaned him a pair of klims for the remainder of the ride. He didnt want to give them back at the end of the ride. Im sure he bought some online later that night.
I think a true anti fog goggle is the white whale of snowmobiling. I am pretty sure I have about 5 pairs of different brands of goggles. They all fog. I have tried dressing "comfortably cool" to the point of freezing my butt off all day, I have tried not wearing a balaclava, drilling holes in the lenses, anti-fog gel, you name it. I haven't tried the fan yet...I am feeling an odd urge to give those a shot, just because I haven't been able to cross those off the list. The only solution I have found that really works is to just carry 3 or 4 pairs with me and switch as needed.
I dunno. I have Scotts, 509's, Smith, Oakley, Fly and Dragons and all suck in the snow except my Scott 89xi's. They are hands down the best goggle I have ever used. And they fit well in every helmet I have.
Dealer talked me into buying a pair of these the other day (said I could bring them back if they fogged up). They fit nice. They yellow lens worked well although I'm used to riding with polarized and wasn't really a fan of the yellow. The nose piece is awesome (never had goggles with a nose piece before). I tried them for about 2 hours today and had to throw them back in my pack and switch out for my Spy Optics. They fogged up constantly (seriously it was almost instant). I was riding hard. I kept having to pull them down around my neck mid tree run so I could see where the hell I was going. It was a pretty warm day (30*) and snowing. Sure I expect goggles to fog but it was ridiculous. I threw my Spy's on and they stayed crystal clear all day except for having to swipe the snow off the outside lens periodically. Love all my other Klim gear but just not impressed at all with the goggles. Returning and buying another pair of Optics for a second pair.
has anyone had klim try and repair theese yet.i tried boondocker163s goggles and they fogged up right away, weather was cold but not snowing called klim they are sending me a new lens hope it works because i like the fit.
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Buy non-motorsports based goggles. They are half the cost and work just as well. Alot of the time the goggles are the same but they are sold in sporting goods stores or ski shops instead of stealerships and the like.
Snows late in my area and I've been sticking mostly to the trails. I have a klim helmet with the breathbox in. 2 days of riding -10 to -20 C. Having terrible fogging issues. 30-50 mph, riding hard through gutted trails. As mentioned getting the goggle to seal off is the hardest part. Lots of fogging where I shouldn't have. Got to a point where I swapped back to a molested set of spy's because I was tired of stopping.

Goggles have insane airflow, very cool on the face, not too impressed with the fogging troubles. I'm going to give them some more time and try to get them right. I had everything going right for a bit and the view from through the yellow was perfect. Really lightens and adds contrast while being just dark enough to dim the sun.

They would be amazing if I could route out these fog demons

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I have tried these goggles now four different times. I have an f4 helmet. First ride I wore the clear mirrored. Down the trail the air flow allows snow dust in and then the fogging starts and then the inside starts freezing. Loaned my yellow lenses out same problem. Next trip out was a bluebird day and still getting snow dust and then the fogging starts. Third trip more snow dust and fogging. Last tri out wore the yellow lens worked good until snow dust between lenses. I am very dissatisfied with the fogging. The fit in the helmet is great.
Wore my Klim goggles for their third ride today. Temps were in the mid 20s, low overcast most of the day with a little fog for about an hour. Goggles really worked well today, no fogging issues at all and they really made me happy from the fact I was noticing the lack of any issues whatsoever.:bounce:
Fog like crazy

First weekend with 2 pairs of Radius googles. A pair of polarized and a pair of silver clears. Both fog wearing a F4 helmet and Klim Arctic belecava. They fog at trails speeds of 40+ mph which seems like the last place a google should fog because of the airflow. While the excessive fog is a disappointment, My major complaint with these googles is they appear to have a distortion in the lenses which affects your vision.
I'm going to return them.
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