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Klim Radius Goggles why buy them?

.......and they didn't. I was personally curious as to what helmets they were.

I've have talked to a few other guys who have used these and they had NO issues what so ever and loved them.

thats good to hear somebodies having good luck with them,time will tell:face-icon-small-hap hoping for the best
I'm definitely gonna try them. I use Spy and 509, defrost in the 509(work good)-our weather is rarely below minus 10 c, so even skinny guys sweat, i'm sure there's one that will work significantly better then the other..(without the defrost whine in the 509's)
i used the klim googles with the polarized lens twice, one day was cloudy, just trail riding due to snow, no fogging even when stopping several times.....2nd ride was very snowy, foggy, with driving wind and snow dust across the ridges, no fogging even though conditions were such that i expected them to fog...we stopped several times to check our new sleds for clutch heat etc. and ended up talking for 15-20 minutes without taking off helmets and googles due to falling snow etc.....still no fogging, even though we weren't working hard, we were riding pretty hard mostly on roads with 2 ft or more of powder...nearly positive that any previous google i've used would have fogged..:yo:
i used the klim googles with the polarized lens twice, one day was cloudy, just trail riding due to snow, no fogging even when stopping several times.....2nd ride was very snowy, foggy, with driving wind and snow dust across the ridges, no fogging even though conditions were such that i expected them to fog...we stopped several times to check our new sleds for clutch heat etc. and ended up talking for 15-20 minutes without taking off helmets and googles due to falling snow etc.....still no fogging, even though we weren't working hard, we were riding pretty hard mostly on roads with 2 ft or more of powder...nearly positive that any previous google i've used would have fogged..:yo:

How did you like the polarized lenses in cloudy/snowing conditions?
I got a pair of blue's from Paul at Novi and I think they will be good for all types of conditions.
Got to ride in the Klim Radius goggles this weekend. I used the polarized lens. Conditions were warm (32-35 degrees) heavy wet snow falling, and 2-3 feet of heavy snow on the ground. The snow was so sticky it would clog the outter lens of the goggle in a few seconds and you had to keep wiping them clean while riding. Lots of water on the outside lens. Goggles never fogged. even digging out stucks from creek bottoms. Very impressed with them

The nose piece was awesome and wasnt in the way like I thought it would be. Coming across a ridge top with 80 mph winds and snow and rocks blowing everywhere it protected my nose from a few shots and i was very grateful for that.

The polarized lens is a little dark from snowy, cloudy days, I would recommend the yellow lens on these days.

Very happy with my new goggles. :yo:
Biggest problem with any goggle is having them fit correctly, it is critical that the foam has good contact with your face all around the goggle, good even pressure. If you can get the goggle sitting this way in your helmet then you are more then likely not gonna have many fogging issues. Bigger the foam the better, provides more of a buffer to get a good air seal on your face.

Having some secret anti-fog coating has been a fairytale so far for this industry, hopefully KLIM has something here but most likely not perfect (i.e even strato man had fogging issues, Im pretty sure he had the best available anti fog lens ever created)
The price of goggles is just stupid these days. A few years back I bought some 89Xi's for around $60 and thought that was steep. (I guess I was just used to buying top of the line Scott's for $35 during my motocross days). Now a benjamin will barely get you a bare bones pair and it's closer to two for a top of the line. I know the technology has changed, and times have changed (inflation etc) but that is just plain robbery in my opinion. I know this is an expensive sport (heck I just dropped close to 7K into my two year old sled this year). Maybe that's the problem, I just don't have any money left over for expensive "extras" like goggles. Looks like I'll be riding in my old trusty Thor helmet and 89Xi's again this year.
Have bought klim gear for the last 10 years and these will be back up goggles.Mine fogged up just sitting on my sled.went back to my scotts.very over rated.
Got two pair of these. Have not rode with them yet did try them on with my KLIM helmet and they almost got it right. The frame fits the opening well, and the nose piece fits nice but they should have used more foam around the face opening. It leaves about an 1/8" air gap all the way across the top on your forehead. For guys that wear nothing on there head (this is very nice with a totaly sealed google/helmet) this is not going to work. Guess I will have to MOD them like everything else. Eric
Got to try mine out today and I love them. Air temp was -20c and yes I could get the goggles to fog but it would clear up on its own no problem. I was the only one without major goggle fogging today. I would recommend them.
Klim goggles

Bought a pair of the Klim Radius goggles and rhode with them up in Revy last week for a couple days. We were in 4ft of powder riding hard in the back country, in tree's ect and they fogged just like my 509's do. All my gear is Klim and I'm very happy with my Klim gear, not one bit happy with my goggles. Have a buddy that also bought a pair and was having same problems. It was over cast and about 30 degrees, with very light snow at times. I actually pulled my 509's out of my pack and started using those for the simple fact, the foam is softer on them and they seemed to fit against my face better and not fog as fast. The foam on the Klims is a harder foam and they didn't seem to fit and seal in my helmet against my face as well as my 509's. For those that have some on order good luck, they sure didn't work for me or my buddy. Maybe if you strictly ride the roads and aren't working your @ss off up threw the trees they may not fog, but from what I've seen if you ride hard they are going to fog. Just my .02
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