When I bought mine last year I was dead set on getting the radiums but after talking with the salesman and trying each on I decided to go with the Adrenalines. I rode a lot last year and they did ok but I wasn't completely happy with them. If you have an 08 or newer Arctic cat your rails will detroy the soles on these boots, infact I don't know if they make a boot to hold up to these rails. I also noticed towards the end of the season that my feet were getting wet, I sent them into Klim their test did not detect any leaks but they offered to send them into Gortex and have them take a look. I ended up getting them replace about 2 months late but I have new boot so I can't really complain. All in all I would recommend the Adrenalines, I wish HMK's had gortex then I would give them a try but I hate wet feet.