Yes I diconnected mine and hooked a pingel tether to it you can get the pingel tether from cr racing it's a very nice billet tether that mounts to your handle bars. or you can just unhook it and hook the wires together at the plug to bypass it
I run the same..... Kill switch is a liability.. I have hit it twice with my chest. Once on a steep jump, and twice in the powder. I got stuck both of those times in the powder. Not sure why there needs to be three methods to turn the sled off. Key works great and tether is a necessity for safety of the sled and yourself! Might be because I spend a lot of time getting kicked or thrown off the sled though.... maybe....
I keep hitting it too and every time I end up stuck. is there a way to disconnect It? or do I want the safety of a tether? How hard is it to put a tether in do I use the kill switch wires?
++Gunnar Tether. Put mine to use yesterday. I like just stepping off my sled and it shuts off. Ha! Gonna have to get used to that. Thanks again Ruffy for the install help! Get your sled back together already.