You could also try and think of it this way to Montana. Keen is paying snowest to put an ad up probably. So as long as that money is used to help snowmobiling then keen is fighting themselves. If everyone on the forum doesn't click the keen ad and shop from them and just ignores it then they are just throwing money away against their cause. Maybe that is snowests way to stick it to them trusting their users not to support it. Ide like to hope that's what's happening.
That's how we looked at the sticker... and why my comment/ post was pretty much EXACTLY on topic.
I took their product, used it for something they didn't approve of, and knew that sledders weren't going to go start buying KEEN boots for sledding. Everyone around knew that they were anti- sleds, and if they didn't, they did after we talked about it.
There are many companies I've ridden for over the years & been very happy to promote for them, keen was the exact opposite, I was happy to promote against them.
The comments about adblock are also EXACTLY on topic, as we're talking about an ad... I pay for this forum, I don't need to see the ads as well.
Whining about an ad, when it's very easy to get rid of them, just seems silly to me. Oh... and the color of your socks looks silly too
Either way though, if they're getting a company to advertize here against their best interests... more power to em. Most of us know what's going on in the world of access & wilderness & Keen is one of the companies leading the charge against us, I'm happy to see someone taking their money where they're not likely to get it back.