NICE Darrin.
I repped a couple in this thread a few mins ago and it got off before I could finish signing my name....damn fat fingers.
Can anybody find some red rep from me that was unsigned that I can atone for?
I can think of a few times I sent out rep (of both colors) that I didn't sign cause my typing fingers were too fat and I PM'd them right away and claimed it.
And Big D...can you tell us exactly what calculates how big of a stick our rep carries? I heard it was a certain combination % of our post count and rep points.
You're right. It's a calculation based on post count, length of time on the forums, current rep, the circumference of your big toe and the length of your....index finger. Nah, it's just the first three I mentioned.
We do have the ability to over ride the current settings. So, for instance, I could crank up my repping power to whatever I wanted it to be and go through and max everyone out with red. hmmm...that could be fun.

I can look up the numbers and how they're weighted if you really want to know.