Having set up timelapses for 6-8 hrs, I can say this is absolutely happening, anyone who thinks that contrails would linger around for 6-8 hrs is the real conspiracy theorist, the timelapses are showing this stuff lasts all day, and there are also other planes with regular contrails in the shots as well, its a stark contrast between "chemtrails" and contrails. The aerosol sraying will take a beautiful sunny day and completely milk it out, as a filmer, you tend to notice this things. This never happened before the late 90s- is aviation just "evolving"? Since when did airplanes "create" weather? How come some days you have them and other days you don't, do planes just not fly on those days? Google chemtrail airplanes and check out the images of planes loaded with beer kegs full of know what. I read G. Edward Griffin's book "The creature from Jekyll Island" about banking and its far from fiction, the guy is credible and very well educated. If a company like Monsanto needs to "create" a market for its crap, I wouldn't discount any scheme they come up with, and who know what other programs and been conducted under this.