doesnt look that lightweight special to me
Your right, it doesn't look that lightweight.....cause I powdercoated all the fancy stuff!
I weighed it 4 or 5 years ago as this:
As it sat, it weighed 417lbs with a gallon of fuel and full of coolant. Rode it on the scales, rode it off.
Weighed again this spring(cause I was curious and the old weight # was unreliable I thought)
Pulled out the same weight a week ago! I did unload all the tools and crap outta the seat this time though! I wanted to weigh it totally wet full of fluids but my cousin wasn't working the morning shift at the grocery store where we weighed it. I can just imagine what his boss woulda said if he saw a sled on the produce scales! LOL
The front end for example - Ti a-arms, hard anodized aluminum bushings, billet spindles and the spindle housings lost about 2lbs each from removing some un-needed material.
Steering is Ti and CM. Parts that have no strength properties and do not wear were made of Aluminum etc etc. Floats and BR Tech Thrasher hood. And Carbon Fiber ski saddles are next on the list! Save a lb per ski! haha
Literally, the only parts I have not cut, replaced with lighter, drilled or lightened are as follows:
-Chaincase and cover
-steering arms
-gas tank
-brake caliper and controls(rotor is a l/w SLP disc turned down even more)
-few odds and ends.....the rest has been replaced, drilled, milled, cut, and or gutted.
This is how it started:
I do not recommend milling down and gun drilling shafts at the same time! Got about 500 miles outta that set-up. Now the jackshaft drilled while the driveshaft is milled down.
The rear skid is a nice piece of bling.....which has also gotten steel swapped for CM and CM swapped for aluminum(except for the shafts, I went back to steel......then made CM shafts for them(originally were aluminum but got tired of swapping out twice a season cause they would wear BAD!)
Besides, I don't need you to believe's my ride......and it makes ME happy and does what I want from it......just get out and ride - that's what sledding is all about for me!