DD do yourself a favour and test the effect of your iso in your fuel.
Pour some of your ethanol fuel in a clear 1 quart glass jar. Sprinkle in a little water and shake.
Now add a bit of iso and shake. Oops. That iso just took the water out of the ethanol and puddled on the bottom of the jar.
If you want more eye-opening, mix in a bit of the oil you use. You may want to switch brands after that test or you may be good.
Don't use iso if you are using ethanol blended fuel. Even fuels listed as non-ethanol today have funny additives that iso causes this effect (or maybe it is just less than 5% so they don't have to say it has ethanol). If your wondering or want to prove it to yourself if iso can be used, do the simple glass jar test.
I found this out last year when I was having fuel pick-up issues with my PC. There was puddles in the tank below the fuel. Same as everyone above I have been using it in everytank for years.
I tested every brand of fuel available to me in BC and they all produced the same results even though a couple are listed as non-ethanol.
If you research on line there are a few products that help with storage (long and short term) and water dispersal in todays fuel (whatever it may be now lol).
I now use a Lucas product that is readily available to me.