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is there any where to ride near helana montana

Nov 26, 2007
Helena, MT
Lincoln is only an hour or so away.
Rimini/Ellisten is fun...if theres snow....1/2 hour away
Deerlodge and Butte have some good riding also..about an hour away
Kings Hill is good but like 2 hours or so away.

So no don't leave your sled plus it's a straight shot south about 3 hours to West from here too.
You can leave your sleds if you want but you might miss out on some fun riding too. There are a few places to ride and we are finally getting some snow around here, it has been slow coming this season but it is finally putting it down.
Look me up and I can take you out some weekend and show you some places. We even ride on Thursday mornings until 1pm just to get out.

Nov 27, 2007
I have some friends that ride near Marysville, but it sounds like pretty tame riding. I usually meet them in the Tobbaco Roots (sp?). About 1.5 hours for them to get from Helena to North Meadow Cr. with good roads. Plenty of play areas and some good chutes to climb. Not too many people.
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