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Is there an Air Compressor that is worth a darn??

And if I even considered for one moment creating a forum for all things TOOLS/SHOP/GARAGE everyone would attack me.

Damn Christopher,why let that stop ya. :face-icon-small-hap

But it does bring up a good point. Where is the proper place?
Right now there is a truck poll thread in the AC M Series sub-forum. It might not be the right place for it, but where would it get moved to?

Ok :focus:
Beats the heck out of me.

Members are generally asking for fewer broader topical forums, rather than more specific forums.

Visitors, who constitute 50% of daily traffic come looking for something specific, so the categories help them out a lot.

Members, who want to see all the traffic in a general topic, want everything dumped in one big bucket.

The needs and wants of the two are at odds with each other, so we try to find something that works.

And here we have a thread about tools, and a light hearted argument over where the heck it should live.

Beats me....
I was mostly busting balls. I just thought this was better suited for fouled plug or I actually thought there was a tool section. I guess that is just for, for sale tools.

I just really think it has NOTHING to do with performance, I would say if it must be in a SNOWMOBILE area it would be general. I really don't see how it is a snowmobile issue (fouled plug/off topic stuff).

I am a HUGE fan of lots of different areas, and I would still love a CLUTCHING forum.

It just makes searching or browsing for things a LOT easier.
Hey Man,

Buy the Kobalt. It's prolly better than most of the cheapo stuff out there. It's got an oil filled compressor, a belt drive, and an upright tank. The tank isn't going to fail(hopefully) in your lifetime. The other two components are replaceable individually if they die. Worry about it then.

I have a cheap horizontal kinda like it....... that I have been expecting to die for 15 years and it keeps chugging away making enough air to do what I need.

Then ya can just delete the thread.....LOL

oops maybe another one will pop up saying where the heck did the compressor thread go.......LOL

relax guys, just havin fun...heh heh heh
I am a HUGE fan of lots of different areas, and I would still love a CLUTCHING forum.

It just makes searching or browsing for things a LOT easier.
Do you think we have enough material to put in there.
It would be easy to make a Clutch forum as a "SUB" forum to this one, that way the main tree doesn't get any bigger.
Clutching, the most misunderstood part of snowmobiles.
Ya, I think there is enough material out there!
Do we have some resident CLUTCH experts that would be willing to help locate and move material into a new forum?
Bought the Cobalt Compressor.

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