on xp is there a tool to hold primary while removing. i usally just use a crow bar or what ever fits in the clutch not a good idea. what is the torq specs. thanks
There is a special tool....I just use a tie-down. Wrap it around twice and hook the other end to something stiff. (I haven't done it on my XP, but on my Rev, I just hooked the loose end around the stiffener for the footboard)
Choose the oblong hole to put your rachet strap/big wrench ect. in wisely. I put a strap hook in just whatever one was on top last year and it broke out a piece of my clutch between that hole and one of the balance drills. It was just dumb luck that that balance drill was there but then I had to go and get the whole thing balanced again cause there was a postage stamp size chunk missing out of one side. So beware
short ratchet strap with rubber coated hooks, because you can ship thiny peices of primary if your arent careful, hook the other end of the strap to the toehold area, the little belt sheild for your toes. done it tons of times and it always seems to work for me.
I've been using a tie down strap for years, but I hook mine to pyramid that goes from your bulkhead to the steering post. A few years back we were just unloading for a day of riding in the Cooke City parking lot and I needed to add a little weight to my clutch. While i was getting dressed a buddy stuck a wrench in the hole and busted the clutch.