Many users of this forum consider riding to be a life essential, almost rivaling food and water. Many shutter at the idea of losing riding areas or just giving up riding for whatever reason. The thought of life without snow is almost unbearable; or is it??
Is riding REALLY that important to you, or is it simply a paradox fueled by convenience due to your living close to the steep and deep? It's easy to become wrapped up in the sport when it's easy. But, what if it wasn't so easy? If you HAD to move, for job or whatever reason, you had to move, to say... Louisiana or Tennessee, where average winter temps seldom fall below the 40s and 50s and your neighbors (mistakenly thinking your sleds represent the latest in personal watercraft technology) ask you "What kind of jet ski is that??", would riding still be important enough to you that you would own sleds and travel the hundreds of miles to ride? Or would you be surprised by your own resilience at how quickly you realized sledding REALLY WAS something you could live without?
is this even a question?