the park service came out with there winter use plan for the park today.. i know most of us dont go into the park when were out sledding but, we should all submit our comments about ther plan as the future plan will rely on comments.. you know for a fact the greenies will be fighting the plan that they came up with which is pitiful compared to what it used to be.. as most of you know, visitors to west has dropped substancially in the winter due to there plan.. less visitors=less $ to the business owners..
heres the plan:
Breaking NewsNovember 3, 2008Yesterday morning, November 3rd, the Park Service announced that they had developed a new plan to provide for limited, guided snowmobile and snowcoach travel this winter. This was great news!
The previous plan was rejected by a federal judge in Washington, D. C., in September. Because of that decision, neither snowmobiles nor snowcoaches could be allowed this winter without a new plan.
The Park Service has worked very hard, with very little time to the scheduled opening, to frame the new plan to guide management of winter use in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. The preferred alternative would allow up to 318 commercially guided, Best Available Technology (BAT) snowmobiles and up to 78 commercially guided snowcoaches per day into Yellowstone. The plan would be in effect for a period of up to three winters for Yellowstone.
****Now it is urgent and vital that the Park Service receive written comment on the plan. Based on those comments the new rule will be established. We invite all of our friends and past visitors to write. The comment period is open through mid-night on November 17th.
Here’s how you can access the Environmental Assessment and the proposed rule, to review:
For a CD or hard copy:
• Write to the National Park Service, Management Assistant’s Office, PO Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
• Send an email to
• Call 307-344-2019 during normal business hours
• Fax a request to 307-344-2022
For an Electronic version:
• Go to
• Use the pull down menu under "Slect a Park", select Yellowstone NP. Once you have done that,
click on " Plans/Documents Open for Public Comment" directly below your selection of Yellowstone.
• Select "2008 Winter Use Plans Environmental Assessment"
Here’s how to make comment:
Written comments can be dropped off in person or mailed to: National Park Service Management Assistants Office, P.O. Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 82190. Comments will not be accepted by phone, fax, or e-mail.
On-line comments: Use the following steps
• Go to
• Use the pull down menu under "Slect a Park", select Yellowstone NP. Once you have done that,
click on "Plans/Documents Open for Public Comment" directly below your selection of Yellowstone.
• Select “2008 Winter Use Plans Environmental Assessment”
• Bookmark this page so that you can send it to your friends and acquaintances for them to make comment.
• Look down the left-hand column for a link to "Comment on document." Just click once and it will open up a Comment Form.
Do NOT delay. DO IT TODAY!