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Impersonating a victim, Prof. Gates admits he's 57% white!!

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So your saying there is only one side to this issue, and i am not allowed to agree with the president. I dont stir the pot, i just happen to have the opposite opinion as you. If you actually watch tv, you will see there are a lot of people that agree with me.

And to prove it all, THE CHARGES WERE DROPPED. If the Professor is so guilty , and such a threat to society, why isnt he still behind bars. BECAUSE THE CHARGES WERE BS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Jail is for thiefs , rapists, and murders. Not 50 year old Harvard Professors with a cane. If the Professor was white, do you really think he would have gone to jail. That cop is an idiot, and deserved to be scolded for doing a bad job. The cop should have just left, and none of this would have happened. He didnt have to take the guy to jail, just shows that cops can and do abuse their power.

B.S., If the guy was white, he'd still be in jail.
Its a conspiricy!!

he's really an alt, made to create DRAMA, and has the support of some inside heavy reppers keepin him green.

recognize him for the troll alt he is and ignore.

You guys are hilarious. There are two sides to everything. I am not a troll or a alt. And i really think its funny that you guys care so much about red and green. I went to the rep thread and got tons of green before i started posting all my political opinions because i knew once i did all these conservative, republican, libby haters, would try to turn me red, and i knew it would piss them off if they couldnt turn me red. So bite me
Here is a green comment i just got from this thread. Not gonna post who gave it to me, because then all you rednecks would try to turn him red

"I agree!! ****ing Racist on this site make me sick!! "
I guess you have no counter argument, and have realized you might be wrong, so you resort to name calling. Pretty typical of some people on here. You really wanna know how i do it?

I get your mom to help me.:eek:

Hmmmm, I dont recall calling you a name.
Ha, the only way my mom would help you is by knocking the joint out of your mounth and then smacking some sense into that empty cranium of yours.

Maybe my next trip out west, I'll swing through Colo and stop by and say "HI" from my mom.

I almost, I'm right, your wrong, end of the story.
Thanks for the compliment. Ive read the report 10 times, and watched people on tv debate it. I have formed my opinion. There was no reason for the guy to be arrested, he was in his own home. Watch the Bill Mahr show on hbo, there are actually a lot of people that dont think this guy should have gone to jail. I dont think the cop was racist, and the professor may have been wrong, but there was no reason for anyone to go to jail over it.

I stand by my original statement. You're an idiot. There's no question. If there was a question....you have provided all evidence to prove otherwise. Smoke your dope, eat your Reese's Pieces, and leave thinking to normal folk.
The guy acted like a prick to a cop. Any one of us would have been arrested and the charges would have stuck! It's a double standard and it's crap that he gets preferential treatment b/c of who he knows. And yes J we all know you have you're own educated opinions you created while watching the gay **** we all know as CNN
You guys are hilarious. There are two sides to everything. I am not a troll or a alt. And i really think its funny that you guys care so much about red and green. I went to the rep thread and got tons of green before i started posting all my political opinions because i knew once i did all these conservative, republican, libby haters, would try to turn me red, and i knew it would piss them off if they couldnt turn me red. So bite me

Dude I thought you weren't a lib you were a free thinker. :confused: or maybe you have burned so many brain cells toking you just can't remember that far back!
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