Posting this is against my better judgement, but here I go.
I apologize for the thread hijack.
For the 3rd time I will clarify that helmets & other safety precautions are a good idea.
What I am against however is this "piling on" mentality our society has adopted.
Here is why I feel this way.....
Where does it stop?
Do we bash someone because the do not make their kid wear a helmet on their bike?
How about elbow & knee pads?
How about goggles?
All of the above could minimize or prevent injury, so yes, let's bash someone for not making their child wear goggles on their bicycle.
Certainly you see where I am going with this now?
We already have too much "big brother" intervention in our lives, and it is largely due to this mentality.
But shouldn't all children be fully & equally protected?
Well, in my opinion thats a land of sunshine & lollipops which doesn't exist.
Sh!t happens. We have all seen it. It is tragic when it does.
But I also think growing up in a bubble is tragic also.
Some of us will take further measures to protect their children, kudos to them, they have the best intentions.
But don't insinuate that others who choose to provide a more "traditional" childhood love their children any less.
That my friend is as offensive as my "swimmers" remark earlier. (which was a joke incase you didn't get it)