Now Thats Funny!!

8 reasons people sell turbo Yammi's:
1) The Lego effect; all the fun ends when you get it built, then it is time to move on to the next project.
2) The GF/Wife/Kids factor: If you have one of those, these tend to get neglected.
3) Job factor; same as #2.
4) Space factor: you have lots of money into sleds but have spent more time and money riding than finishing your house and feel guilty about letting the turbo sit outside.
5) Cost factor: You sell it because it is actually worth some money.
6) Hot Dog factor: You decide to sell it before it kills you.
7) Time bomb factor: You and your buddies put it together in a car port over 17 cases of beer, several bottles of Crown, a little Grey Goose and a few hundred dollars worth of Ace Hardware parts.
8) Loneliness Factor: You end up riding by yourself all the time because all you buddies sleds are torn down in the carport waiting for parts, or they cannot follow you up the hill, so you sell it and buy a _________ so you don't feel so left out.