The outta stater deal is Moot. You can hate outta staters all you want, but they are Americans, and most are tax paying citizens. I use to hate outta staters, but they have just as much right to be there as you do. You or anybody else dont own the mountains. Thats just the fluctuation of people your hating, not the outta staters themselves.
Game&Fish will give more outta state tags out due to revenue it brings to the state. You dont think you see the revenue but you do. I use to guide TONS and guide very little now. I guide a small elk hunting area thats in the top areas to hunt for in the state of wyoming just 30 miles outside town. The draw rate for outta staters is 21%. The draw for locals is less than 1%. This area produces in the herd over 100 Bulls over the 330 mark. Which aint bad, but it aint too terribly great. Over my years of guiding ive found to respect outta staters. They drive countless hours for 1 thing, a shot at a big one, a shot at something we see so very commonly. Most of the time they shoot a mediocre bull/buck. But its huge to them. You couldnt wipe the grin off there face if you tried
That alone is enough to respect a hunter. They are just happy to be continuing the legacy that there fathers bestowed upon them.
I didnt draw ANY of my tags this year. My uncle is the supervisor for Game&Fish for the state of Wyoming and he basically told me that my luck just ran out. Oh well, ive had 8 great and successful lucky years of hunting, bagging a few trophies and knocking down some decent bulls into the trophy class. I thank my lucky stars my streak was as long as it was
Dont take hunting for granted, ever. You should be lucky that you get to go hunting and that you get to buy tags over the counter at wall-mart
at such a cheap price.
Im putting in for elk in Makaveli_Rev's area next year
I want to be guided for once goddamnit
Respect your fellow hunter