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I talked to the troopers today

Dec 8, 2007

I agree re-focus before Arctic Man write a letter, I did. I know it's wishful thinking that every person that lined up and down the mountains at A-man wrote a letter how much better position snowmachiners would be in. I guess the biggest part of the whole deal, alot of places that I ride are becoming part of a plan to either revamp or close certain area's. These are the same area's that I would like to see my kids ripping around on a beat up Rev(from Craigslist of course) in the future. Look at the area's in Wyoming/Idaho/ and most recently Revelstoke, BC which is one of the sickest places ski's/your track could ever touch. Ground is being lost everywhere- These days aren't the easiest for anyone, but if your like me pulling the trigger on an 800(whether it's Polaris/Skidoo/Cat) on a sunny day trumps any of it. Sorry to get all HGTV there for a second, but the Hatcher's/Turnagain/now this proposal's all are wafting like a fart after a jumbo cheeseburger at Lucky Wishbone. I still think sled forum's are semi-Freddie Mercury, but something like this I'm in.
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