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I talked to the troopers today

Nov 26, 2007
They said Ahtna can not ticket you for anything, but especially not for parking in the pull outs.

They can warn you not to trespass on their land. After the first warning they can press trespassing charges. They must catch you doing it though...a truck with an empty trailer does not consitute trespass, since they do not own the pull outs.

CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS and let them know you want access to public lands and won't tolerate a land grab by Ahtna to prevent access to public land as a money making scheme. The legislator is currently deciding if Ahtna should be required to provide thorough fares for the public across their land so we can access ours.

The troopers agree charging a fine to cross Ahtna land is shady and they cannot deny to assist Ahtna in pressing trespass charges...but judging from our talk today I doubt they will have good response time to any calls from Ahtna.

Again...you CAN NOT be ticketed by the greedy, lying, theiving, scum bag ahtna A holes for parking in the pull outs alongside the highway ANYWHERE. They don't own the pull outs, and they can not write tickets anyways. You can get in trouble for trespassing (riding) on their land.


Nov 28, 2007
Ever thought of a petition to get signed and send forward???

(e-mails 1x1 can be overlooked -- a 100 page petition makes a statement)

They have worked in the past........

(some of you who know me will just smile) lol


Nov 28, 2007
I did something of the sort one time. I got almost 2,000 signatures and only promoted online.

It was enough to make the difference.

It can all be set up online, and then printed off and mailed in when folks feel its sufficent.

One would have to come up with the goal and wording of the petition. Its VERY doable.

It would be cool to see us sled heads get something changed in our favor for once.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Thanks for the info... How would we start a petition??? i'm all for just not sure where to start.

Anyone know a lawyer or politician that is a sled head? Generally the correct wording and proceedures has much more to do with the outcome than does the actual number of signatures. Do it right the first time. How about the federal blm guys? They might be able to steer you as well.


Nov 28, 2007
Anyone know a lawyer or politician that is a sled head? Generally the correct wording and proceedures has much more to do with the outcome than does the actual number of signatures. Do it right the first time. How about the federal blm guys? They might be able to steer you as well.

Just word the petition to support a general purpose with the facts and why its important.

Once you get support behind that, let the politicians handle the rest.

Its SAD our Governor's Hubby is a big sled head and here we are having this conversation about not being able to get support in AK.

Palin could be a better alternative.

The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Guys there is no need for a petition. The legislature is in session right now. Call your State Rep & Senator and demand that they pressure Ahtna to COMPLY WITH THE LAW.

The law being they, as in Ahtna, are required to grant an easement(s) to the PUBLIC land behind their holdings. It is my understanding the BLM negotiated and platted public easements during conveyance.

An afternoon's work and some colored trail stakes....and this conflict would go away, but Ahtna is playing dirty pool.

Call/email Juneau. Call Sarah too...she could use some good press.

Then again maybe a call to the BLM is in order. The easements should be public record. Just get the GPS coords and mark it ourselves
Jan 28, 2009
Land use

Yes Ahutna has to allow easement. .but that does not solve our problems.
The easement they are giving us is an existing trail.... [stay on the trail and obey the rules... if I wanted that I would move to Michigan...no thanks.
You cannot go left or right on the easement trail... just go to the end of the trail,turn around and head back....
Ive been to the Ahutna land use meeting here in fbks. They were held at BLM and when you enter the building , they ask for your I.D. _ _ck that. If I did something wrong I'll show you my I.D., but not until then.
Has anybody else been to the BLM building in Fbks.....
At the front is a native gal, the one that you want to talk to about the land use is a native person.... lets see... how does this work ..
I dont mind the Feds giving land to the Natives.. really i dont.
But how come all the land they want is on the hwy systems. and in the beautiful mountainous areas. like Broad Pass, Wrangel St. alias, up north on the alaska range.... Please.
Give them land out on the minto flat areas... [all the pretty places are locked up ]. Like thats is where there ancestors live thousands of years ago.
Nov 26, 2007
There should be a designated ratio of highway frontage they can have. For example..if they are claiming 10 acres only 1 can be adjacent to a major road.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska
LMAO... It was too cold to go. Forecast said it was like 31 below down there or something ridiculous like that. Fingers are crossed for this coming weekend, though. Having withdrawls already!
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