Was down in the Black Hills this weekend and we went into an area that had a fairly steep side hill with a creek bed below it. Friend of mine was riding a 08 m8 tried first lost it and slid down and got stuck. I tried it on my 02 700 rmk lost it and slid down right behind him. we got the sleds out and I went back up to help a new rider with us who has never been any were but the flats and diches. He didn't want to roll his new Assault, so he wanted me to ride it down. Holy crap! I have never rode anything so easy to hold on a side hill. The sled held the line with very little effort. I can't imagine what a narrower ski stance and deeper lug would be capable of. Rode it a couple more times that day and found it hard to give it back. Are the Pro's much differant to ride?