ok there grand pappy, first of all, do you even know what kind of association I'm talking about?..... didn't think so.
Nope, I don't. But I also said that just cause he's involved doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about. For the sake of the discussion, what type of association is he associated with?
second, did i say he was right about how loud they were???? NO i did not. just because you have been near "large wind turbines" doesn't mean there loud?
No, you did not. However, I also didn't say that you had said that, nor that you were wrong for saying it. I said that he needed to prove it. Show me how loud they are. The information is out there. All I was bringing to the discussion by saying I had experienced being near large turbines, was a bit of relevance. I'm sure you've been near them too...surely you realized that they weren't 105 dB, didn't you?
Also, that rice and china line was about the gayest thing ive heard in my 19 years. It sounds to me like your jelouse of my knowledge about the wind turbines going in, because if you think i got it from my dad, your WACKED.
Agreed on the "rice in China" quote...uncalled for. My apologies.
I am however, not one bit "jelouse" of your knowledge. I like facts. I thrive off them. I'm proven wrong every day of the week at work. I've learned enormous amounts of information by spouting off about a subject, being called out on it, then having to do the research and discover how or why something works. Any idea why a flatbed semi trailer is bent upwards and not downwards? I thought I knew...then I got called on it. Had to call the manufacturers engineering departments to try and justify myself...I was wrong. But I learned why ("because...we had to bend them one way, we chose up."). Knowledge is key. Gotta learn about this stuff, or else you'll sound uneducated and people won't believe the little bit you know that is actually true (not talking about you in particular...just generalities).
Obviously if you choose to have a wind turbine in your yard, your property value is no where near what his is. if you were in his shoes, you would be saying the same thing about how you don't want them dam things.
SO for now there pappy, you just got sip your coffee and read the news paper..
This is where we'll just have to disagree. Property value, you're probably right. But to say I wouldn't welcome a wind turbine near me or my house just isn't true. I guess I need to clarify myself a bit: I'd make it work for me. Cheaper power, or some other kickback if at all possible. But not just "no way. NIMBY."
P.S. I didn't point jack shi* to you. i think you'd better look at who your directing things too.
The pointing quote was directed at PM26, not you. Sorry if that wasn't clearer. I was saying that for the real facts, you can't look at just one side of the argument...the guys 100% against or for it are going to justify themselves by twisting things to meet their agenda.
All in the search for the facts guys...nothing personal.