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Nov 10, 2008
We lost a lot of land in B.C. as well but no monies have been given to enforce it , but you can bet they are asking for it. I think they may have all the signs up over this vast area by the year 2035 and will have to hire about a extra couple thousand patrollers on any givin weekend in B.C. No one but govt appointed officers has any legal right to tell you where you can or can't go its kinda a goodwill thing, for now. The governments are making a lot of deals behind closed doors right now and thinking with their heads up their asses, i think they should be straight up with everyone in our countries and maybe hold some referendums to see what all people think of what they are doing not just the chosen few. We as the people of these Countries should be making the decisions when it comes to matters that affect everyone's lives like this not just a few ******* that think they know whats right for everyone else in our countries, at last check we were not communist countries but i am starting to wonder more and more every day about that to a certian extent. One day we will all have to fight for our land back just like the natives are doing, now we all know what it is like to have our traditional lands taken away by Government, sorry for raving but this **** pisses me off.
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Dec 14, 2008
Livingston Mt.
Fools...when I read this I could do nothing but aggree. Sure wish more of us would join that forum so I wouldn't be a lone voice in the wild...

Dang DooDawg, that's some confused people. So, your not under threat, walking down the street with who knows how many concealed permit carriers. But suddenly, some hiker with a pistol is going to take grizzlies, and threaten the defenseless hikers. I think this whole argument started when Parks said you couldn't bring your concealed carry gun onto federal land, with no valid reason. Heck, obviously the fool's never actually been hiking in a real park, with bears. Sure, no one brings a gun. Noooooo, not any guns in any backpacks. If the idiot only knew how many people where already armed in the park. I wouldn't take my kids hiking in Grizz country, without a 41mag.

BTW, maybe your the lone voice, because you havn't stated where this forum is.

I am more worried about the Druggie than the Bear.
Oct 29, 2001
I have proposed this before and I will do it again:

We need to introduce legislation requiring the immediate closure of all lands south of sant barbara california and order they be returned to their original pristine condition. These areas used to be teaming with wildlife but now it is no more. That needs to be immediately followed by the closures of staton island, Washington DC and the virginias. They need to be closed to all human intervention other than the introduction of grizzly bear and the grey wolf.

Bet it gets laughed out of congress. Might open up an eye or two though.

Not sure what gives them the right to crap in my backyard, then they throw a fit when I return the favor. Isn't this why the colonies chose to fight england, due to the lack of representation.

For the right amount of money you can get any bill passed.
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