44 million for road fish crossings, you can't make this **** up.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is surprised to find fish transit is part of his portfolio but says it's beneficial for fishing communities.
Story time,
I was crossing a stream that I've crossed for a good twenty years with my floating bath tub.
But this time this old bastard walking down the trail to me getting close to the narrow crossing bridge is obviously pissed off by the look on his face.
I try my darndest and smile and say hello.
Obviously the smile didn't calm the red face old bastard down. Probably not much of an age difference but hate kind of ages people.
Instead he says don't you know that your crossing a designated salmon creek.
I think about it for like two seconds and then say maybe you should advise the beavers that have moved in damning up your ****ing creek, have a nice day.
Put that in your peace pipe.
We blew out those damns once but damn if those beavers aren't some stubborn little ****s

The trick is putting a pipe/pipes below the damns so the beavers can have Thier damn and the creek can still somewhat be normal.
The salmon won't be back until the beaver are gone, mother nature has final say.
44 million for salmon crossings you say?