Small world

diaper boy and josh green, governor of Hawaii,
Green was born on February 11, 1970, in
Kingston, New York to a Jewish family ( OKAY, I have pointed this out many times, are all of diaper boys corrupt people in charge jewish?) He was raised in
[2] (Where's diaper boy from?) He attended
Quaker Valley High School, where he graduated as one of four
valedictorians in 1988; as a Quaker Valley student, he was president of the Key Club and played on the school's soccer and tennis teams
After completing his residency in 2000, Green joined the
National Health Service Corps and was stationed in Hawaii as a physician for the
Big Island. He practiced family medicine and worked in emergency rooms. At times, he was the only physician in the island's rural areas.
Guess they needed a governor more than a physician.
Don't forget green day
With an endless slate of troubles and a rare budget surplus, Green talks about his open-access style of governing and unwavering mission.