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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Whether it's Hollywood elite, politicians, mainstream media or snowmobilers on a forum, there's alot of hate on the left towards conservatives.
Our great President Trump did not create this hate.
He simply exposed it.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
There are good people on both sides Mafesto of that hate

When was the last time Republicans......
Called out to publically harass cabinet members of the other side?
Shot. Political members of the other side?
Held violent protests because we didn't get our way?
Wished for bad for the country so a President would look bad?
Chose lawbreakers over peacekeepers?

I could go on, but you get the point.
Jan 15, 2010
When was the last time Republicans......
Called out to publically harass cabinet members of the other side?
Shot. Political members of the other side?
Held violent protests because we didn't get our way?
Wished for bad for the country so a President would look bad?
Chose lawbreakers over peacekeepers?

I could go on, but you get the point.

“Punch then in the face”-DJT.

You have done far more on here to promote hate of liberals than anything.

The republican congress vowed to do anything they could to ensure they made Obama a one term president, for the good of the country or not.

To say one side is way nicer than the other is ridiculous in the current political climate. However, Donny and his followers have worked very hard to earn whatever animosity that’s aimed in their direction.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
You forgot DJT suggesting the 2nd amendment people may be able to stop to Hillary. I am sure he meant for them to get out an vote.. Sharon Ingle of Nevada Use your 2nd amendment remedies to stop her opponent in a senate race in recent years. I am sure she only meant for them to get together and vote the same. So Mafesto lets cut the BS that is this is only a democratic problem OK!!!! we are all semi intelligent people. Both sides need to stop turning a blind eye to their own BS. All spreading this BS does is keep us from having civil discussions on what really matters whether that be agree to dis-agree, agree, or compromise on issues
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Both sides need to stop turning a blind eye to their own BS. All spreading this BS does is keep us from having civil discussions on what really matters whether that be agree to dis-agree, agree, or compromise on issues
Boom. The interesting thing in this thread is that you have die hard conservatives and then a few people who are somewhere in the middle. I’ll bet my house that no one here is die hard “left.” some people are so set in their ways that anyone who even wants to discuss alternative views is instantly full blown libtard. No other option. Seems weird to me but that is the DJT demographic sadly.


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Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Boom. The interesting thing in this thread is that you have die hard conservatives and then a few people who are somewhere in the middle. I’ll bet my house that no one here is die hard “left.” some people are so set in their ways that anyone who even wants to discuss alternative views is instantly full blown libtard. No other option. Seems weird to me but that is the DJT demographic sadly.

I voted DJT and im glad I did but I’m with you on your post. Sorry your ideal demographic isn’t 100%. it goes both ways though.

But about that house. I would like to see some pictures, Nothing fancy just a few outside shots and just enough to get a idea of the inside. You know. Just so I can do some planning.....
Jan 15, 2010
Thinking you two have drank far to much of the left's koolaid.

Calling out Donny’s BS is a whole lot different than “drinking the left kool-aid”. Jay nailed it, and it’s been said before, there’s not a whole lot of “far left”
On here-we all ride frickin snowmobiles for crying out loud. I’m constantly blown away by the cultish actions of hardcore Donny’s followers. Anyone who doesn’t buy in 100% is labeled a “far left liberal “. Kinda pathetic really.

Back to business-one of you Donny nut swingers please explain how these silly tariffs and a trade war are gonnna make America great “again”... i hope you enjoy dropping an extra $2-$3k on yer next sled.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Been thinking about republican economic policies and actually HW did a good job at setting up Clinton for a economically successful presidency.


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Aug 30, 2011
On here-we all ride frickin snowmobiles for crying out loud. I’m constantly blown away by the cultish actions of hardcore Donny’s followers.
"Cultish actions by Donnys followers," have you not seen that crazy daily circus of the left?
Anyone who doesn’t buy in 100% is labeled a “far left liberal “. Kinda pathetic really.
Works both ways, kinda pathetic indeed.
Jan 15, 2010
"Cultish actions by Donnys followers," have you not seen that crazy daily circus of the left?

Works both ways, kinda pathetic indeed.

As I’ve said before, everybody’s sh!t stinks bud.

Again, please explain how Donny’s tariffs and trade war are gonna m.a.g.a... several of us have put it out there in our own words why we feel they are very irresponsible including personal experience, but I’ve yet to see a response other than insults and “liberals are dumb “. Prove that you are not some blind “cultist” and spell out your position.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
I voted DJT and im glad I did but I’m with you on your post. Sorry your ideal demographic isn’t 100%. it goes both ways though.
Donny plays well to that demo....but understandably it's not the only one for sure. I am not on the Trump bandwagon for several reasons....but at base level, being a private section, non-union business type dude.....I totally get wanting to see how a non-politician business person does running the show.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
There are a lot of comments and claims regarding tariffs.
I would like to see credible information that clearly illustrates tariffs imposed BOTH WAYS.
For either side to cite tariffs to support their agenda (without mentioning the tariffs that inspired the new tariffs) is simply incomplete and thus false information.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Furthermore, I agree with the logic of those against tariffs.
Tariffs are simply another tax, a revenue source that our Government will piss away as they see fit.
In a perfect world there truly should be ZERO tafiffs.
That said, I understand that perfect world will never exist.
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